Write, Improve your Skills, Relax! join - A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words / The two faces of an adventure

in Freewriters4 days ago


Imagen de la propuesta de Freewriters

Las dos caras de una aventura

En esta caricatura de los dos cerditos puedo apreciar la similitud que hay con las personas ante una misma situación.

Lo que para unos puede significar un caos, para otro puede ser una solución a sus problemas o una escena divertida.

Esta situación me produce ganas de acercarme a los individuos en cuestión y analizar que sienten ellos, ¿Por qué reaccionan de esa manera?

Piro y Toto, eran dos hermanos muy diferentes.


The two faces of an adventure

In this caricature of the two little pigs I can appreciate the similarity that exists between people in the same situation.

What for some may mean chaos, for others it may be a solution to their problems or a funny scene.

This situation makes me want to approach the individuals in question and analyze what they feel, why do they react that way?

Piro and Toto were two very different brothers.


Mientras Piro era afable y divertido, y veía la parte positiva de la vida.

While Piro was affable and fun, and saw the positive side of life.


Toto era todo lo contrario. Siempre pensaba que todos estaban en su contra.

Toto was the opposite. He always thought everyone was against him.

Una tarde, mientras paseaban por el campo y conversaban de sus cosas, cayeron en un charco de barro. Toto comenzó a maldecir y a decir palabrotas y eso produjo una reacción hilarante en su hermano Piro. Este no podía dejar de reír mientras saltaba y le decía a Toto que no fuera tan tonto, que aprovechara ese momento que les había regalado la vida para compartirlo juntos. Que se bañara el barro, que era muy bueno para la piel y que saltara de alegría por un nuevo día.

Toto se detuvo a pensar y se dio cuenta de que su hermano tenía razón, solo que él veía las cosas desde otro punto de vista y ahora tendría que lavar de nuevo su calzón, perdería tiempo duchándose para sacar todo el barro y eso retrasaría los planes que tenía.

Así es la vida y simplemente cada uno escoge de qué manera la quiere vivir. Y tú ¿Qué opinas?

One afternoon, while walking in the field and talking about their business, they fell into a mud puddle. Toto started cursing and swearing and that produced a hilarious reaction in his brother Piro. Piro couldn't stop laughing as he jumped up and down and told Toto not to be so silly, to take advantage of this moment that life had given them to share together. He told him to bathe in the mud, which was very good for his skin, and to jump for joy for a new day.

Toto stopped to think and realized that his brother was right, he just saw things from another point of view and now he would have to wash his underpants again, he would waste time showering to get all the mud off and that would delay the plans he had.

That's life and everyone simply chooses the way they want to live it. What do you think?

Así cumplo con la tarea 2 del Taller de escritura creativa que conducen @wakeupkitty y @inspiracion.

Si deseas unirte, aquí la información. Me gustaría invitar a @esthersanchez, @aplausos y @genomil


This is how I complete assignment 2 of the Creative Writing Workshop led by @wakeupkitty and @inspiracion.

If you want to join, here's the info. I'd like to invite @esthersanchez, @aplausos and @genomil.


Utilicé la imagen suministrada por Freewriters .
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)




Excelente, tu descripción , el sentir y la historia entorno a la imagen, mi aplauso

Saludos, amiga y mil gracias por tu comentario.

Genial amiga
Me gusta tu estilo fresco y desenfadado.

💯⚜2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ This is a manual curation from the @tipu Curation Project.
Also your post was promoted on 🧵"X"🧵 by the account josluds

@tipu curate

Me alegra que mi estilo sea de tu agrado y agradezco tu apoyo en esta propuesta.

Un excelente trabajo descriptivo y narrativo. La similitud que has establecido en tu historia en relación a la realidad del ser humano es sencillamente genial, felicitaciones.

Podemos aprender mucho de todo cuanto nos rodea querida @esthersanchez. Todo esta ahí, solo hay que saber observar y expresarse.

 3 days ago 

You made them come alive. Like puppetry.. Reading this I could feel some affection for the brothers.

I'm glad you felt it, that's the idea to give life and characteristics to the characters so that they look real

 3 days ago 

Ooooh I love how you made those two pictures of the brothers and introduced them! Very creative just like the rest of your entry!

Your word count is: 138 instead of 100

You will find the report posted as a different comment

Oh! @wakeupkitty, that's right. I got carried away with words and feelings and didn't count the words. Sometimes I don't like to pigeonhole myself into so many rules. Sorry.

 2 days ago 

No need to be sorry. It's just another skill we like to practice which you can do yourself too. A great day to you and I don't like all those rules either but a big part of what should be checked is set by the Steemit Team. Next to that the attempt is to try to show different ways of (fast/free) writing in the 6 lessons we have.

All right, I'll be more attentive next time and try to stick to what you ask for.

 2 days ago 

Next time I hope you can do more as you like, let's go for that.

 3 days ago 

Dear Free Writer,

We are very happy that you have joined #wewrite and we hope that you have fun writing together. What you write is a learning experience for all of us and feedback is important. Also, read your comments, they can be very useful. Below you will find the review of your publication.
We thank you for participating in We-Write.

What went good - 1 point1
What to improve-
Misunderstandingword count
Title - 2 point-
Hashtags - 1 points1
A flashy start - 2 points2
Creativity / out-of-the-box thinking - 3 points3
Following the rules - 1 point1
AI text is forbidden-
Verification date:September 12, 2024

If you write a story an attractive title is a must! There's no need to mention you join a contest, promote your story not a contest. I miss the short description of what you see and feel but the overall presentation and the story are great! If there would be 4 points for creativity I would give them to you.


All good? - You could be nominated for the 5 best of the week.

Thanks for the verification, I will try to stick better to the rules.

Gracias por apoyar mi publicación, cada post lo hago con dedicación para satisfacer a todos.

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