Being the best version of ourselves !

in Freewriters4 years ago

I consume mostly three things. The news, ideas from people from all social media and the content in the blockchain. It's hard to form sometimes my our opinion about things because there are so many controversial information. I read quotes sometimes and today I've found this one : ''Be the best version of yourself !''.

The quote is clear but when you go deeper in its meaning, it's not that easy to be the best version of ourselves.

We are surrounded by so many opinions, so many ideas and thoughts. We consume the information everywhere. All that can have a big impact on us. It may even change us for the worse.

That's why we should be very careful when consuming any kind of information. When we watch a lot of news, we believe in everything said there and think that the government is always right. When we listen to people and what's happening to them, of course as citizens we prefere to take their side.

I think being the best part of ourselves means that we should take all that information together and to form our own opinion about everything. Not to let others decide for us what to think. (3).png

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