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RE: Freewrite - Day 1216

in Freewriters4 years ago

Brilliant! Love how you tell us she's a cuckold (I think that is the case) by the way she jumps at the black widow role, the way Max says 'you're it' when he first sees her, and the parallel between playing a character who castrates a man and then, irl, divorcing B. You set it up to imply she cheated on him (I think), without telling us. A great flash fiction.


I cannot confirm or deny, but I really appreciate the comment. Thank you. It's cool how you really think about and engage with the writing. I like to think I read in a similar manner. But who knows?

LOL, 'cannot confirm or deny'. I've been using freewrites lately to practice reading in a more focused way, to notice what other writers are up to in the hopes of learning from them and using that practiced focused on my own fiction. From your work, I would assume that you are thinking about, or have studied, fiction as a craft, that you're consciously aware of the technical aspects of storytelling. What's your background? Have you spent a lot of time in creative writing classes?

No, but I went to a four-day seminar once in my early twenties. I took a lot of university classes without ever getting a degree, about 50% of that being musical studies with a focus on composition-..and another 40% was in the humanities, yes, a handful of philosophy, but when it came to creative writing I never wanted anyone to correct my spelling.

What about have experience in universities or other formal or otherwise education?

Interesting. I have a similar experience, in that I took many classes without graduating. I've also studied fiction with Gotham Writers Workshop and through my own reading. I think I've learned more about fiction outside of traditional universities than inside.

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