Fauci’s upcoming book removed from online shops amid criticism he profits from the pandemic

in Steem Links3 years ago

Titled “Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service and the Way Forward,” the book was advertised on Amazon but the listing had apparently been deleted. A link to the listing redirected to a webpage that displayed, “Sorry! We couldn’t find that page.” The book was also advertised on Barnes & Noble’s website but was no longer available on Wednesday, June 2.

The Daily Caller writer Greg Price criticized Fauci for publishing a book and being the highest-paid federal employee. At the same time, ordinary Americans lost their businesses and had their kids out of school for a year. Multiple media reports showed that Fauci earns $434,312 for his government post alone, higher than the president’s annual salary of $400,000.

Fauci’s upcoming book removed from online shops amid criticism he profits from the pandemic


I think this is one more montage to create expectations about the book and thus be able to sell much more when it is released. It is sad to see how people and companies profit from something harmful that is happening worldwide.

That is an interesting point of view; I had not thought about the idea that negative attention to a book is nevertheless "attention" that brings more interest, and obviously more purchases.

That's crazy. I wish I could find the book to read to see where the racism came up. Did the book not go through review before it was published?

Did the book not go through review before it was published?

Yes, in fact, it was the negative reviews that I believe caused the temporary removal of the book from certain sites. I only heard of this book the other day when I found this article, so I have no clue what's written on the inside.

Okay, if it got negative reviews and those reviewers are honest, then it is worth removing to avoid further problems.

If booksellers removed all books that get negative reviews, there would be no more books to sell. The real issue here is that Fauci is exploiting his powers and has to be called out!

Now I got the main point! Good.

The unexpected thing was that the page could not be found, nothing is random, so for something they did not find it, perhaps what was written there kept some secret, I would take away the perhaps, and the salary draws attention, it is totally absurd, I suppose the president was aware of this and did not care, for a reason, so many secrets have a reason for being and only they know
I wish you a happy sunday

the greed of these "people" has no limits

I believe that fauci will be tried for crimes against humanity in a trial similar to the one in Nuremberg at the end of the Second World War.

I predict it around 2026

I agree! We are living in a time similar to the 1930s, and I also believe we will see the same kinds of outcomes; more atrocities, war, and then the Hammer of Justice, in which Fauci is to be number one to take a seat before the Tribunal! The problem, of course, is that we have to continue to go through this hell until the right people rise up.

Exactly, I couldn't agree more on that.

 3 years ago 

It is refreshing to know what's going on in other countries. These shared articles are very much appreciated.

If the book is good then it is obviously a bad decision. Man can deprive of.

I think it was a good book and that contains truth.

I think you never read the book! ;-)

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