What is a "Penis Plant"? Those who pick it are prohibited by the Cambodian Government

in Steem Links2 years ago (edited)

Who knows. Is it because it resembles a "penis" this plant should not be picked by women.

Even the Cambodian government and plant experts have banned people from picking, so that this plant does not become extinct.


Experts urge people to stop harvesting the “penis plant”: risk of extinction | newsbeezer.com

The Cambodian government listened to experts and decided to interview people living in or visiting rural areas of the country stop wildly harvesting “penis plants”. (Nepenthes bokorensis).

Cambodia’s environment ministry has issued a special warning in a last-ditch effort to prevent the public from touching the plants the shape of the male sex organand avoid extinction.

Native to Cambodia, the unusually shaped plants have become an attraction. The focus of the government campaign is primarily on tourists who uproot various plants as “souvenirs”..


Cambodian government urges public to 'stop picking penis plants' as tourists keep taking selfies with them | timenownews.com

y38cUzvXsX9yQ4zcKwXhtc-650-80.jpg.webpNepenthes pitcher plants have modified leaves that look phallic. (Image credit: Shutterstock)source

Phnom Penh [Cambodia], May 17 (ANI): Nature is appealing, and as a natural result, it is tempting, so tempting, that the Cambodian government had to urge people stop plucking the ‘endangered’ ‘Penis Plant’ after some women were found having a hand at the unique species.

Nepenthis holdenii is a tropical pitcher plant commonly found in the mountainous regions of western Cambodia which is now at the risk of extinction with locals and tourists picking the plant in order to take selfies with it, New York Post reported.


Really, in my country Indonesia I have never heard of this plant, have you ever found it in your country?

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Nephentes atau dikenal kantong semar, salah satu tumbuhan yang dilindungi, indonesia juga salah satu tempat tumbuhnya tumbuhan yaang hampir mirip seperti anda sebutkan diatas

Terimakasih atas informasinya.
Apakah di Aceh ada tumbuhan tersebut @mainsir.forester?

Ada, pernah saya temui biasanya tumbuh dilahan gambut dan hutan rawa-rawa.

 2 years ago (edited)

Kapan2 kalau ketemu tumbuhannya, ajak aku mau selfie.. Keren kayaknya selfie dengan latar "penis plant" itu.. 🤣🤣

Can you imagine having a plant with this shape as a souvenir in the house? I think it is simply the desire to attract attention, starting with the shape it has. In my opinion, as a man, I don't find it attractive at all, but well, human nature. sometimes dedicated to finishing the true and wise nature

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