in zzan3 years ago

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Hello steemian friends wherever you are, meet again with me @iqbal-pasee, one of the atomians member in Indonesia.

On this occasion I will discuss about free radicals.

Free radicals are one of the factors that trigger premature degeneration, these free radicals are molecules that lose electrons. Naturally, a molecule has a pair of electrons.

In free radicals, the loss of electrons makes this molecule unstable and always tries to grab electrons from other molecules. Molecules whose electrons are snatched will generate new free radicals and seize electrons from other molecules.

This chain reaction will continue to occur so that free radicals will continue to increase, the formation of free radicals itself can come from within or from outside the body.

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Free radicals originating from within the body can be generated during breathing, where free radicals are a by-product of the oxidation or combustion process in the body.

In addition, free radicals can also be produced from metabolic processes that involve a lot of oxygen, these free radicals are needed by the body in certain amounts as a defense system to kill microorganisms that cause infectious diseases.

Unfortunately, because of the reactive nature of these free radicals, they can easily attack fats, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes and DNA, causing cell damage, reducing the ability of cells to adapt to cell death.

Under normal conditions free radicals can still be neutralized by the body, but if the amount is excessive, for example due to exposure to free radicals from outside the body, the body's ability to neutralize them will decrease. Therefore, exposure to free radicals, especially those from outside the body, should be avoided.

"Remember prevention is much better than cure"

So much information from me about free radicals, hopefully it will be useful and look forward to the next tips in my post.

Thank you for dropping by at my writing. Until we meet again in my next writing.

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