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RE: Strange City | Watercolor Sketchbook Illustration

in OnChainArt4 years ago

I love your city, it is a joyful little place of wonder and amuse. Which we all need right about now. Though I've found I'm very good at laying low. Maybe I am part slug by nature. Yes, I do believe so, though I do like salt too. Oh those oddbird misnomer's of life. And as a slug, I am way behind on here. And now I need to figure out Hive, though it will now be called something else. I shall wait, I seem to be as good at that as the TV watching Kix eating gastropod thing. We all need special talents...
Well, I hope all is well in your corner of things, keep your head down and stay healthy and keep on drawing whimsy for us. Cheers on a Tuesday in March.


Hello and thank you! Sounds like you all are making it through okay. Yes I was wondering if we could expect to see you there! DDA just posted there this week. Until I saw her post and read her questions, I didn't know what to do regarding my friends who might choose to stay here, or those who haven't been on in months-how would they know anything had changed? Actually still not sure if I want to post in both places. I heard things were being erased here by the powers that be. SMH, hard to know what's up or down with this whole thing sometimes.
Oh man Kix is good cereal, I love that stuff. Sorry it took so long to reply here! I am glad you're still posting and hanging in there; we're all weathering the storm. I've made a few posts over in that other place, if you want to look. Don't watch too much TV young man - it'll rot your brain! :D

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