THE DIARY GAME||03 June 2021|| 10% beneficiary for @adollaraday||

in Steemit City3 years ago

Today is Thursday
I am @sabbirrr
From #Bangladesh

Good Morning:

I woke up at five o'clock this morning.When I woke up, I brushed my teeth first.Then I performed ablution and performed Fajr prayers.I could not wake up after the Fajr prayers.So I fell asleep again.I woke up at half past eight.I woke up fresh.Then I was feeling hungry.So I asked my mother for food.My mother let me eat semai.I started eating semai.

Google code:QWC7+G9 Jhitka Bangladesh

Semai cooking was very tasty.I had a lot of fun.Anyway, after eating, I went out for a walk.I went out and walked for a while.After walking for a while, I came home.I came home and used Facebook for a while.Then I did some necessary work at home.Thus I passed the morning.

Good Noon:

I took a bath at half past twelve in the afternoon.After taking a bath, I put on dry clothes.Then I was waiting for the Zuhr prayer.When the call to prayer came, I performed ablution and performed the Zuhr prayer.After the Zuhr prayers, I had lunch.After lunch I rested for a while.Then I went out for a walk.It was sunny outside.No matter how sunny it was, it felt very good in the light air.While standing outside, I suddenly saw a plane flying through the sky.I took a picture of it.

Google code:QWC7+G9 Jhitka Bangladesh

Anyway, I spent some time outside.Then I walked home.After coming home, I took it nice and fresh.Then I watched the video for a while on Facebook.

Good Afternoon:

The atmosphere this morning was very beautiful.This afternoon was a bit chilly.Light gentle breeze was blowing.So I climbed on the roof of our house to enjoy the air.I climbed on the roof and enjoyed the afternoon breeze for a while.

Google code:QWC7+G9 Jhitka Bangladesh

I stayed on the roof for a while.Then I heard the call to prayer.Then I performed ablution and performed Asr prayers.After performing the Asr prayers, I went out for a walk. I went out and walked for a while.Then I came home.

Good Evening:

In the evening, when the Maghrib prayer was called, I performed ablution.I performed ablution and went to the mosque to perform Maghrib prayers.I went to the mosque and performed Maghrib prayers.When I came home after prayers, I saw a red color in the western sky.I took pictures of that moment.

Google code:QWC7+G9 Jhitka Bangladesh

Good Night:

At half past eight in the night I went to the mosque to offer Esha prayers.I went to the mosque and performed Esha prayers.I came home after performing Esha prayers.When I got home I ate dinner.After dinner I drove for a while.Then I saw a play.The name of the play was (Chewing gum).
Google code:QWC7+G9 Jhitka Bangladesh

The play was a lot of fun.After watching the play I steemit for a while more.Then I fell asleep.

That was my diary for today.So long as everyone stays well stay healthy.Thanks everyone.

10% beneficiary for @adollaraday.



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A fun day

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