The Steemit City Promo-Steem Contest-04 || Theme- Child || My Little Angel

in Steemit City3 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians, nice to meet you again in this community

I just read @hmetu's post about a children's themed contest. I agree with @hmetu that Children are said to be a reflection of God, with their innocent looks and laughter amidst absolute happiness and joy.

I am very happy to have been blessed with a little angel who has inspired my life. My little angel was born on July 14, 2015 in the city of Lhokseumawe by caesarean section which is my third child. Female gender. Named Alvira Ramadhani.

Since childhood I was very close to her even when she has 2 years old she even often slept in my arms while I read the prayers of the prophet until she fell asleep.

And one day I had to go out of town because I had an official assignment to the Capital of Aceh Province in Banda Aceh for 3 days, but in the afternoon I arrived in Banda Aceh, at midnight she has sick and that morning after sahur I immediately returned to Lhokseumawe to take her to the doctor. My daughter is even closer to me than her mother and often joins me in my various activities.

Feeding the Fishs

Because my hobby is raising fish, she has always been with me since I started the process of making a pond to taking care of fish such as feeding and also draining our fish pond. Although sometimes a little disturbed, but I am happy and I realize that my daughter is more dominant in Kinesthetic Intelligence so that she is never silent and always runs here and there and really likes physical activity.

she waters the plants

Likewise, when I plant and care for the plants in the yard, she always participates, watering and cleaning the grass in the yard. On the sidelines of watering the plants, she sometimes asks to be bathed using a water hose with her cousin who is one year younger. The two of them are very compact and often play together either at our house, at grandma's house or anywhere else. Both feel lost if one of them is taking a nap they come to the house calling and asking to play.

help me make bran fermentation

When I built a cage for Siamese chickens a few months ago she has always there for me. Even though my hand was hit with a hammer and swollen from being disturbed, I still felt happy because her intention was only to help but because she has still small, of course sometimes that happened. Likewise, when I fermented bran for chicken feed using EM4 probiotics, she always helped.

She also always participates in Hapkido martial arts training with me at the Hiraq Lhokseumawe field and also in several other training places. She even asked to make a special dobok for practice because in the market there is no dobok (uniform Hapkido) that fits her body size because she is still a child. She always comes to practice with me and her brother and sister every Sunday.
Hapkido practice every sunday

She accompanied me shifting eggs in the incubator

When last month I started operating the incubator she always came with me from day to day, day and night to shift the eggs 3-4 times so that they hatched perfectly. She has very happy to accompany me to monitor the hatchery until the duck eggs hatched a few days ago.

She is watching youtube with her cousin

She always looks cheerful and very happy to play with her brothers who often come home to just watch Youtube together or play in front of the fish pond and feed the fish in the pond. And not infrequently she also invites her school friends to play by the pool when she comes home from school in one of the kindergartens near our house.

Today when I changed the DOD (Day Old Duck) drinking water that had just hatched a few days ago which I placed in the brooding cage, she asked to bring the drinking water container to the brooding cage and feed the cute ducklings. she did not hesitate to hold and caress the ducklings in the cage.
Help me change drinking water and feed DOD

I love taking her to the beach to play and picking up colorful shells to take them home and play with. Because of that, our favorite tourist spot is the sea because I am very happy to see the blue sea and the sunset in the afternoon.
Playing on the beach and picking up shells

She also often tells about her daily activities about helping me feed fish, chickens, birds, watering plants, hatching eggs and various other hobbies when asked by her teacher to tell about activities at home when entering kindergarten in kindergarten every day.

From all that I have told this is proof that Children are said to be a reflection of God. I also feel very happy to be entrusted with a little angel in my current life who always comforts me when I face various unpleasant conditions both at my work in the office and elsewhere.

And when I don't see her and play with her for a few days because I have to go out of town because of work, I always miss her and can't wait to come home and bring her favorite gifts…I also often eat meatballs together with him on the sidelines of our evening walks at our regular place which serves meatballs at cheap prices but tastes quite good. Because of my love for her I use her name for my social media accounts like instagram @alvieramartialarts which is the name of my Hapkido's dojang and also my youtube account named Viera Channel#75.

That was my experience with my little angel who became the Vitamin in my life that gave me new energy every step of the way.

Hopefully it can inspire and I also invite @hasinbadir @estemmother and @nadilchairi to join this contest.

That is all and thank you…..



What a beautiful entry, all are very nice photographs. Thanks for the entry.

Please share your post link in the comment section of Contest announcement post.

 3 years ago 

Thank U....done....🙏


 3 years ago 

Extra Joss.....🤣

Bereh pak....

 3 years ago 


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