【WK33】Nutbox Weekly Report

in NutBox3 years ago

Nutbox is a one-stop cross-chain staking economy and DAO platform, as well as a diversified project combining built-in ‘social + DeFi’ functions.

Official Website:https://nutbox.io

Peanut delegation review



The scale of Peanut delegation pool is expanding to 8,444,139SP, which comes from 497 delegatees. Peanut is owned by every delegatee and Peanut’s liability holder. If you delegate your SP to Peanut, you will get PNUT.

【For detailed distribution rules, please refer to the document】: https://docs.nutbox.io

【Delegation manual】: https://blog.nutbox.io/@nutbox.mine/the-new-ui-of-nutbox-is-about-to-online-and-the-tutorial-of-new-ui

Development update

Last week, we deployed Walnut to the internal test network for internal testing. This test covers asset creation, registration, and staking pool creation and management. Based on the test results, we fixed a series of known issues; we will Deployed Walnut to the public testnet for internal testing this week.

In progress

  1. Integrate testing the functions of Relayer and contract.
  2. Investigate the feasibility of running Walnut on various public test networks.
  3. Deploy the Walnut testnet faucet

Operation overview

Globle ambassador program

Nutbox has 10 ambassadors worldwide now, dedicated to the development and promotion of Nutbox in different regions. The ambassadors made the following contributions this week, thanks for all your work👏😊

- Daily operation of Kokaotalk.
- Translated the 32rd Weekly Report.Translation of Nutbox Trilogy.
- Analysis of the estimated amount of NUT airdrop for PNUT holders.
- Promotion for increasing the number of Nutbox Korean Kakaotalk chatting room members by PNUT airdrop and compensation for resteeming (128 members → 171members).



  • Published a total of 18 Nutbox-related articles on Medium, Torum, Steemit, Hive, Facebook, Instagram; amazing.
  • Published 345 Nutbox-related news on Twitter, and designed 3 videos for Nutbox on YouTube👏
  • Post Translation Weekly Report Week 32;
  • Daily operation of the Spanish community. Bringing technical problems to Terry from the Latino community;
  • Ambassador of torum make the nutbox promotion correctly ;
  • The instagram fee is complete and the new feed design in process.



@Tim Bae【Korea】

  • pnut airdrop event + tshirt airdrop event ⇒ kakao member increased 128 to 171 people;
  • Daily monitoring PNUT&Defis' status on Steem blockchain,Market Cap. of Pnut + Comparison of SP locked in Steem Defi in the last 4days.

【How to become Nutbox ambassador】:https://blog.nutbox.io/@nutbox.mine/nutbox-global-ambassador-program-or-nutbox

Community overview


Data changes:

10359 followers worldwide, 63increase from last week;

8270 community members, 55 increase from last week.👏


【Nutbox AMA】

The PNUT Century Airdrop successfully concluded this week. In order to help newcomers to learn more about Nutbox, Nutbox will hold an AMA event on Telegram on August 18 this week to share with you the current status of Nutbox and the upcoming Walnut. Interested friends welcome to join telegram.「https://t.me/nutbox_defi」


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