【WK29】Nutbox Weekly Report

in NutBox3 years ago

Nutbox is a one-stop cross-chain staking economy and DAO platform, as well as a diversified project combining built-in ‘social + DeFi’ functions.

Official Website:https://nutbox.io

Peanut delegation review



The scale of Peanut delegation pool is expanding to 7,722,233 SP, which comes from 436 delegatees. Peanut is owned by every delegatee and Peanut’s liability holder. If you delegate your SP to Peanut, you will get PNUT.

【For detailed distribution rules, please refer to the document】: https://docs.nutbox.io

【Delegation manual】: https://blog.nutbox.io/@nutbox.mine/the-new-ui-of-nutbox-is-about-to-online-and-the-tutorial-of-new-ui

Development update


  1. Nutbox Walnut development:

    • Front and back

      Completed the creation, update and management of the mining pool;

      The backend has completed the relevant interfaces of the mining pool and assets.

  2. Adjusted the interface of some contracts.

  3. Updated the substrate docker test environment to polkadot 0.9.7.

In progress

  1. Nutbox Walnut.
  2. Nutbox Telegram facut bot development.
  3. Nutbox Relayer Substrate partial functional test.

To do

  1. Nutbox CLI development.(Temporarily replaced by js script)
  2. Submit a new version of Nutbox Chain w3f grant.

Operation overview

Globle ambassador program

Nutbox has 6 ambassadors worldwide now, dedicated to the development and promotion of Nutbox in different regions. The ambassadors made the following contributions this week, thanks for all your work👏😊

- Daily operation of Kokaotalk.
- 73k SP delegation added.
- Translated the 28rd Weekly Report.
- Translated Nutbox V2 Q&A interview with Terry.
- Analysised of proper PNUT price and circulation change by burning PNUT. Analysised of 2nd halving of PNUT and how many days left.
- Posting analysis of PNUT in terms of price, circulation and marketcap, etc. on steemit.👍



  • Published a total of 24 Nutbox-related articles on Medium, Torum, Steemit, Hive, Facebook, Instagram; amazing.
  • Published 345 Nutbox-related news on Twitter, and designed 6 videos for Nutbox on YouTube👏
  • Post Translation Weekly Report Week 28;
  • Created the new Reddit Community NutboxDAO official.Start of advertising for the new webinar to be held by Nutbox LATAM;
  • Created a New Highlight for Instagram to show PNUT Chart Daily ;
  • Complete New Instagram Design for the feed publications;
  • Daily operation of the Spanish community. ****Collected issues from the Hispanic community to bring to Terry.



@Tim Bae【Korea】

【How to become Nutbox ambassador】:https://blog.nutbox.io/@nutbox.mine/nutbox-global-ambassador-program-or-nutbox

Community overview


Data changes:

6192 followers worldwide, 63 increase from last week;

1434 community members, 235 increase from last week.👏


Online Activity

【Nutbox AMA】On July 13, Nutbox CMO Sunny attended the 94th AMA event of BML Live. Nutbox gave away 10,000 PNUT airdrops during the event.

【Nutbox AMA】

On July 15th, Nutbox Korean Ambassador Tim Bae and Youtube blockchain well-known blogger 류프리 jointly organized an online AMA with the Korean community, and everyone exchanged ideas about the positioning of Nutbox in Polkadot.

【Nutbox Airdrops】
Peanut came into being on the Steem blockchain and has been assisted by many enthusiasts on Steem.

As the development of Nutbox enters the next stage, Peanut will become a platform that supports multiple staking assets. Meanwhile, Nutbox Walnut Network will be launched soon, and PNUT holders will receive NUT airdrops by then. At this critical time, Peanut would like to give back to the Steem community.

To thank the Steem community users for their support to Peanut, Peanut will conduct the PNUT Century Airdrop 🎉. More than 500,000 PNUT will be given out in this round of airdrop, which is the largest airdrop event since Peanut went online.

Want to know how you can grab the PNUT airdrop? Please read the following rules👇👇


If the APY I am seeing on Peanut is true I am going to be delegating & farming a lot more. Thank you to @tomoyan for introducing me to @nutbox. Now to go move some coins.

APY changes all the time but its been like 40+% ~ 60+%
I like "Mining by Delegation" staking and "TSP-TRX LP" farming.

Ya I am going with the delegation since I retain the SP and can re-delegate it if I decide to move on.

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Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 65927.86
ETH 3481.42
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66