Nutbox Proposal - Walnut Network and Slot Auction | Nutbox Walnut and Nutbox插槽竞拍提案申请

in NutBox3 years ago (edited)


Background 背景

The Peanut project was established in August 2020. After half a year of development and operation, the Peanut community has embarked on a path of autonomous development. Beginning in March 2021, the Nutbox founding team started the development and operation of new products-Nutbox Slot Auction and Nutbox Walnut Network.

Nutbox Slot Auction made Nutbox out of Steem for the first time, providing services for the Polkadot ecological projects, and also bringing a lot of popularity to Nutbox and Peanut. Nutbox Slot Auction has cooperated with Polkadot popular projects like Crust, Astar, Darwinia, Phala, Bifrost, Token Pocket, Ares, Equilibrium, TrustBase, ChainX, Subgame, Apron, Clover, BML and many other projects and communities, which also helped Nutbox to finish the first round of equity financing. Nutbox Slot Auction has also become the most well-known decentralized slot auction tool in Kusama Network.

As for Walnut, the public Testnet was launched in August and the Mainnet will be launched in October. Walnut connects PoS chains and allows Peanut to replicate quickly and in large quantities through smart contracts on blockchains such as Ethereum and Binance. More importantly, Walnut has supported PoS chains such as Steem, Polkadot, Kusama, Hive, etc., and its total Staking asset scale is more than 100 times that of Steem. Walnut will also support Polkadot parachain and other PoS networks after it is online, such as Ethereum's Staking and so on.

At the same time, Nutbox will distribute 0.5% of the total amount of NUT to PNUT holders through staking or airdrop after the circulation of NUT Token.

The above development and operation make Nutbox more potential, which benefits from the continuous work and contribution of core partners. However, these core partners have not applied for and obtained any PNUT in the past six months, but have been working continuously. In order to reward core partners for their six months of work, Nutbox hereby applies for a one-time PNUT awards.

2020年8月Peanut立项,经过半年的开发和运营工作,Peanut社区走上了一条自治发展的道路。从2021年03月开始,Nutbox发起团队开始了新产品的开发和运营 —— Nutbox Slot Auction and Nutbox Walnut network。

Nutbox Slot Auction让Nutbox第一次走出Steem,为Polkadot生态项目提供服务,也为Nutbox及Peanut带来大量的知名度。Nutbox Slot Auction与Polkadot生态Crust、Astar、Darwinia、Phala、Bifrost、Token Pocket、Ares、Equilibrium、TrustBase、ChainX、Subgame、Apron、Clover、BML等众多项目和社区产生了合作,也助力Nutbox获得了第一轮股权融资。Nutbox Slot Auction也成为Kusama parachain Slot Auction中最知名的去中心化Slot Auction工具。

Walnut方面,更是在8月开启了对外公测,即将于10月对外上线。Walnut将各PoS链跨链连接,通过Ethereum、Binance等区块链上的智能合约,让Peanut可快速、大量复制。更加重要的是,Walnut一来就支持Steem、Polkadot、Kusama、Hive等PoS链,其Staking资产规模总量为Steem的一百倍以上。Walnut也会在上线之后,支持Polkadot parachain以及其他PoS网络,比如Ethereum的Staking等等。

与此同时,Nutbox在NUT Token流通之后,会将 NUT总量的0.5%通过Staking或Airdrop方式分配给PNUT持有者。


Main tasks and awards 主要分工及奖励发放

According to the workload and importance of the work, the relevant award applications of each member are as follows:


walnut proposal.png

Thanks to the contributions of these partners. Hope that Nutbox will develop further and attract more members as expected in the future and become an important backbone of the blockchain industry.


About Nutbox

Nutbox is a DAO operating system for Web3.0, as well as a diversified project combining "social + DeFi". With the help of the Crowd-Staking, DAO Services and Plugins and DAO Governance Protocol provided by Nutbox, the community can create its own community staking module and DAO platform just like creating trading pairs on Uniswap.

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Gracias equipo @nutbox.mine, muchas bendiciones.

welldone really appreciated

You guys rock!

wow thats amazing

amazing story'

[WhereIn Android] (

👍Thanks to the entire Nutbox team.

Thanks all for contribution !

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 62701.63
ETH 2445.02
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.67