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RE: Mercury retrograde ends 18th Jan 2023

in NutBox2 years ago

Whew, thank goodness Mercury retrograde is almost over! I've been experiencing some major technology mishaps and miscommunication, but I'm ready for things to get back on track. I can't wait to finally book that vacation and have everything run smoothly. It's been a wild ride, but it's almost over. Happy Mercury Direct, let's make some amazing plans and have clear communication.


I totally agree with you - by the 22nd January all planets will be moving direct for 3 months. That's most unusual and means we can really getr on with life and push forward. At the same time watch the Crypto world start to motor too!!

I am so ready for this! In crypto too. Three projects I know of are waiting on the sidelines to launch in a bull market.

It's coming - I reckon March will see things start to really go up. Then we will be going up until mid -2024. Actually I'll give you a date - watch around 9th March 2023. By the way I'm a pro-astrologer and this comes from the Bitcoin Genesis Block astrology chart analysis....

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