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RE: Diary 2022-10-01

in Kururu-TV2 years ago

In my opinion, this would mean to simply isolate the painting and to not taking into consideration its developing process and its answering on questions.

This seems to me similar to the trial, the words of Viktor Pelevin taking for an ultimate analysis. The blending of the communication process destroys the sense of the utterance. And so it would be with Malevich's painting - which also is an utterance and a polemic.


Buddhism involuntarily comes to mind - empty it and I will fill you, the emptiness in feelings, in self-expression, allowed dozens of theories to pile on a black figure, allowed thousands of dissertations to be defended, gave reason for reflection to millions of people. So, I'll take another look at school geometry, maybe an equilateral green triangle will shove civilization in the right direction

Wie ich schon früher schrieb:
„...ich verstehe das Bild wie einen Spiegel, der mir den eigenen Voyeurismus zeigt: Du wolltest etwas gezeigt bekommen, scheint es zu sagen, dann schau dich um in der Welt, aber erwarte nicht von mir, dass ich dir das Schauen und Sehen abnehme.“

As I wrote earlier:
"...I understand the image as a mirror that shows me my own voyeurism: You wanted to be shown something, it seems to say, then look around the world, but don't expect me to do the looking and seeing for you."

Das ist nicht ganz richtig, der Spiegelfaktor wirkt nur in einer genau festgelegten Entwicklungsrichtung der Sehreaktion irritierend. Ändern Sie Farbe, Form, voireste Reaktionen ändern sich auch)

In the toilets of blogging, for example

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