
a) Sehr schade, dass Malewitsch nicht erwähnt wird. Manch andere Maler fehlen auch, aber vor allem Malewitsch.
b) Die Definition finde ich gut nachvollziehbar.
c) Ja, das ist genau das Problem, das ich auch gesehen habe: ein ungegenständliches Foto scheint ein Widerspruch in sich selbst zu sein, denn was sollte ich knipsen wenn nicht einen irgendwie gearteten Gegenstand?! Insofern war und ist es schon richtig, wenn @lllll1ll seinen Wettbewerb für "abstrakte" Fotografie ausgeschrieben hatte.

a) It is a pity that Malevich is not mentioned. Some other painters are also missing, but especially Malevich.
b) I find the definition easy to understand.
c) Yes, that is exactly the problem I have also seen: a non-representational photo seems to be a contradiction in terms, because what should I take a picture of if not an object of some kind? In this respect, it was and is correct when @lllll1ll announced his competition for "abstract" photography.

Translated with (free version)

If we consider a photo without post-processing, then it cannot be a "non-representative photo".
That's for sure. But with the help of modern post-processing tools (not to mention artificial intelligence technologies), I can make a "non-representative photo" out of an ordinary photo.

Will it have at least some cultural or artistic value... :)

out of an ordinary photo

So it is no longer a photo, is it?

Yes, I agree, I think that if more than basic tools are used in post-processing, it's not really a photo anymore. This is closer to the artist's painting.

But on the other hand, the result was not taken out of my head, the foundation was real objects.


While reading the whole article by Beth Gersh-Nesic (an article to be appreciated, no doubt!), I thought: she must be American...
And so it is.
And this may explain why she finds no words to Malevich and his "Suprematism".
But this should not be happened since she really is an "Art History Expert".

Do Americans have a special attitude towards Malevich?

Maybe she just didn't take the coverage of the issue very seriously/deeply and felt that her explanations were enough?

Do Americans have a special attitude towards Malevich?

No, I don't think so - they only are provincially thinking in regard to modern art. It is out of view that modern art was developed in Petrograd.

It is out of view that modern art was developed in Petrograd.

And who says so? Why Petrograd?

Kasimir Sewerinowitsch Malewitsch (russisch Казимир Северинович Малевич, wiss. Transliteration Kazimir Severinovič Malevič, ukrainisch Казимир Северинович Малевич Kasymyr Sewerynowytsch Malewytsch, polnisch Kazimierz Malewicz; * 11. Februarjul. / 23. Februar 1879greg. in Kiew; † 15. Mai 1935 in Leningrad) war ein Maler und Hauptvertreter der Russischen Avantgarde, Wegbereiter des Konstruktivismus und Begründer des Suprematismus. Beeinflusst wurde er vom Spätimpressionismus, vom Fauvismus und vom Kubismus. Sein abstraktes suprematistisches Gemälde Das Schwarze Quadrat auf weißem Grund aus dem Jahr 1915 gilt als ein Meilenstein der Malerei der Moderne und wird als „Ikone der Moderne“ bezeichnet.

Der Suprematismus wurde von Malewitsch nach seiner neo-primitivistischen und kubofuturistischen Phase in den Jahren 1912/13 aus den Ideen des Futurismus heraus entwickelt. Vor allem durch El Lissitzky beeinflusste der Suprematismus De Stijl und das Bauhaus. Es handelt sich dabei um die erste konsequent ungegenständliche Kunstrichtung. Die ungegenständliche Kunst unterscheidet sich von der abstrakten insofern, als ihre Formen keine Abstraktionen (Verwesentlichungen / Vereinfachungen) von sichtbaren Gegenständen sind. Der Suprematismus ist eine von Gegenstandsbezügen befreite konstruktive Kunstrichtung; sie stellt die Reduktion auf einfachste geometrische Formen in den Dienst der Veranschaulichung ‚höchster‘ menschlicher Erkenntnisprinzipien. Zu den Hauptwerken des Suprematismus zählen die von Malewitsch geschaffenen Gemälde Schwarzes Quadrat auf weißem Grund (1915), Rotes Quadrat (1915) und Weißes Quadrat auf Weißem Grund (1919). 1915/16 fand die Kunstausstellung 0,10 in Sankt Petersburg statt.

Eliezer „El“ Lissitzky (russisch Эль Лисицкий, wiss. Transliteration Ėl' Lisickij; eigentlich Лазарь Маркович Лисицкий / Lasar Markowitsch Lissitzki anhören?/i; * 10. Novemberjul. / 22. November 1890greg. in Potschinok, Russland; † 30. Dezember 1941 in Moskau) war ein bedeutender russischer Avantgardist und hat durch vielfältige Aktivitäten in den Bereichen Malerei, Architektur, Grafikdesign, Typografie und Fotografie sowohl theoretisch als auch praktisch maßgeblich zur Realisierung und Verbreitung konstruktivistischer Ideen beigetragen.

Kazimir Severinovich Malevich (Russian Казимир Северинович Малевич, sc. Transliteration Kazimir Severinovič Malevič, Ukrainian Казимир Северинович Малевич Kasymyr Severynovych Malevich, Polish Kazimierz Malewicz; * 11 Februaryjul. / 23 February 1879greg. in Kiev; † 15 May 1935 in Leningrad) was a painter and main representative of the Russian avant-garde, pioneer of Constructivism and founder of Suprematism. He was influenced by Late Impressionism, Fauvism and Cubism. His abstract Suprematist painting The Black Square on a White Ground from 1915 is considered a milestone of modernist painting and is referred to as an "icon of modernism".

Suprematism was developed by Malevich out of the ideas of Futurism after his Neo-Primitivist and Cubo-Futurist phase in 1912/13. Mainly through El Lissitzky, Suprematism influenced De Stijl and the Bauhaus. It is the first consistently non-representational art movement. Non-representational art differs from abstract art in that its forms are not abstractions (essentialisations/simplifications) of visible objects. Suprematism is a constructive art movement freed from references to objects; it places the reduction to the simplest geometric forms in the service of illustrating the 'highest' human principles of knowledge. Among the main works of Suprematism are Malevich's paintings Black Square on a White Ground (1915), Red Square (1915) and White Square on a White Ground (1919). In 1915/16, the art exhibition 0,10 was held in Saint Petersburg.

Eliezer "El" Lissitzky (Russian Эль Лисицкий, sc. Transliteration Ėl' Lisickij; actually Лазарь Маркович Лисицкий / Lasar Markowitsch Lissitzki listen?/i; * 10 Novemberjul. / 22 November 1890greg. in Pochinok, Russia; † 30. December 1941 in Moscow) was an important Russian avant-garde artist and made a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the realisation and dissemination of constructivist ideas through a wide range of activities in the fields of painting, architecture, graphic design, typography and photography.

I understand your train of thought.
Unfortunately, I am not very strong in this matter to draw conclusions based on these quotes or other sources. Whether Kazimir Malevich is the founder or just made a significant contribution is not important to me. I think that as many people as there are opinions.

I used to be very skeptical about his Black Square. For an ordinary person, it's just a black square on a canvas and he does not see any special artistic value in it. This value is created by art historians and philosophers.
As a patent specialist, I see a brilliant solution. Whoever draws any square in the future will always be compared to Malevich's square)
Moreover, they will compare any regular geometric shape.


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