Contest Entry:Save the world (We can all make a difference and work together to save the world. 🌍🌿) @waqarrubab

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE10 months ago (edited)
Hello everyone hope that all of you are doing well. First of all i would like to thank @irawandedy for organizing such an informative contest. Raising awareness about saving the world is very important.

Contest EntrySave the world (1).png
Edited by canva
Increase awareness of the importance of preserving the environment

preserving the environment means taking care of nature like plants, animals, and the air we breathe. We can increase awareness by talking to others about how important it is to not litter and to recycle things like paper and plastic. We can also plant trees and pick up trash to help make the earth healthier and happier.

Minimize risk factors that aggravate the condition of the earth

For the earth it means that not doing things that harm earth like throwing garbage everywhere or using too much energy.To save the earth we can do things like recycling,using less plastic, and planting trees to keep earth healthy and happy.

Get in the habit of doing smallest things to make earth better
Small actions may seem unimportant but when everyone does them,they add up and make a big difference for our actions suxh as planting, recycling, reducing use of plastic and conserving energy.

What have you done in an effort to save the earth (Doing greening, Reducing emissions, Recycling used goods, Preventing beach abrasion and other activities?


We have planted trees plants in our Model town sialkot community.In our internship days we did a project on planting trees in our community as an effort to save the earth.Plants are very important because they give us oxygen to breathe and also enhance the beauty of nature.Plants also clean the air and water. Plants are also used in making paper and it's wood also use in making of different kind of this way it is helpful in economic betterment as well and for clean environment

How do you do it?


5 months back in our university internship days.We went on a project of "Clean Green Pakistan"with our external supervisors .We planted trees plants in our Model town sialkot community.Our whole class members planted one. Tree in different areas lf community


Show you real pictures how you do it?



We planted trees plants in different areas of the community with the help of our supervisors.and our also the workers who was working in the society office of model Town sialkot also helped us in planting almost 20 trees in different areas by different students.

What is the form of attention from the government and the community around you?

Pakistani Government has launched different initiatives to promote tree planting in different cities of the country to save the world from.polluction and for clean air.Also every year our community brings the project with the name of "Clean Green Pakistan 🌴". and different trees plants are planted every year in different areas of our community.In 2014 Government launched a project with the name of 'Billion trees Tsunami" which aims to plant billion trees in the country by 2023.
I would like to invite @mahnoor22 @crowd1 @goodybest to take part in the contest
[Link of first achivement] ([Achievement#1 INTRODUCTION in Newcomers Community](
 10 months ago 

I am very happy to see that you are planting trees with your classmates. These small seedlings of ours will one day turn into big trees and provide oxygen. You keep up the plantation trend dear friend. Good luck to you.

Thanku very much!❤️😇


Your real activities are too attractive and fruitful to safe the world. Tree plantation is the most important for this.

I agree with your all activities. Thank you so much 👍 dear friend such a great content.

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