Contest Review Tools Block Explorer Session III by@usmanismail882||15 % payment to the||15 % to @worldsmile


Hello everyone, I'm very excited to be participating in this contest, this is my first contest on steem for betterlife, which is review on thanks to @amryksr for bringing this contest i hope with my explanation lots of steemians are able to learn one or two things from it.

Steemworld is a blockchain tools used in other to make steem users transactions easier, steemworld comprises of many blockchain tools and which block explorer is one of them.

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Block explorer

Block explorer is a tool on which helps in viewing all transactions on blockchain, also the transaction growth and other useful information. To check on block explorer, the first step is to login on your various devices, then you will be taken to the web page below after that you will see an icon name block explorer then you click on it.

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After you login, then you will be directed to a new page which is shown below, you be asked to input a block number.

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After you insert the block number, you will be directed to a new page shown below, which shows several icons like transaction ID, virtual op and data.

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After you login to the block explorer, all the block details will be displayed below which helps you to identify all your previous transactions.

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And remember to see all your transactions you have to login with your steem username, with that you can easily navigate your through steem explorer


I hope with this little display you are able to learn something meaningful from this.
This is the link to my achievement 1


Cc :

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