Dairy Game 07.05.23: Went to the spring festival.


Greetings from @tasrin94

How are you all? after long time I am again here. Today I wanna to share with you a Dairy Game about my new experience. let's start with me.

Last week we went to the spring festival here. we went out to do some sightseeing and show the children the spring festival. Germans as a nation are very fond of festivals.Every week of the summer there is a party of some sort. Since it is the spring festival, it has been on a much larger scale. We went the day before the fair ended. The bus was very crowded that day, so my husband took the daughter by auto. I had a baby stroller with me, I went there with the bus.me.


bus stop

But my target was to have lunch at Turkish. This restaurant is my favorite. Since they don't serve chili here, I always take some raw chili with me.The food was very tasty, it was past noon by the time we arrived. So first we had lunch.
We order some fish and chips. And the childrens order their favorite türkish food.


There favorite Türkish food

After lunch we walked towards the fair. It was Sunday, so everyone had a holiday, that's why the fair was very crowded. I will take the kids to Raid but there is a long line everywhere. As there was a lot of crowd, the raids were being turned off after 2 minutes.


Raidings the Car

I saw some children lying on the ground, why they were allowed to ride in such a short time! I panicked and left the place with the children. After that we stood in front of some more raid but we didn't get the serial. we were able to get the kids to some raids after a lot of pushing and shoving.


Waiting for another Ride

In addition, I bought some things from the fair. Most of the stoles were traditional items. While doing these things, we didn't feel that the afternoon has passed and the evening has come. So we took preparations to return home. On the way back we decided to walk. It takes about 1 hour to arrive at home. But it was very enjoyable.


Baltic Sea

We walked by the Baltic Sea the whole time.After coming home, we all take a bath and eat dinner. After talking for a while with our kids we started to prepare for sleep. Because they have to get up early the next morning to go to school.

I think there is nothing more peaceful than spending time with children. But it should be quality time. What is the benefits of increasing the quantity of time if there is no quality! results is a big zero. This is just my personal opinion please don't take it personally.

I'm ending here for today. Thank you so much for your reading. Stay safe and healthy!

achievement 1

Stralsund, Germany

 last year 

@tasrin94 Have a nice trip. The spring festival photos are stunning.

 last year 

thank you so much for your valuable support... love from heart ♥

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