Contest Review Tools Copy Votes Session 16th by @steemtopus


25% to @worldsmile

Sometimes back, announced that they’re now accepting copy votes on SteemWorld.

At first, the concept of copying votes might sound very confusing and complex, especially if you are a new to Steemworld. This process isn’t like the normal voting process and it has certain rules and limitations which makes this feature quite interesting and useful in some cases.

However, it isn’t as difficult as you might think; this article will provide you with all the information you need to get started using copy votes on Steemworld, so you don't need to worry anymore.


What are Copy Votes?

Copy votes are a form of proxy voting. When you vote for someone using a copy vote, your curation rewards will be copied onto that post. This means that if a post receives one copy vote and ends up at 30% it will receive one curation reward from the copyvoter. If more people later copy-vote that post then it could receive more curation rewards down the line; these are not guaranteed however. Note: By using a copy vote to upvote a post, you are agreeing to use your curations to fund at least 10% of all future transactions for content creators who you follow in order to ensure these payments can continue at their current levels or above in value. If you do not agree with these terms, please DO NOT use a copy vote!

How do Copy Votes Work?

Copy votes are a way for you to vote for content that you like, even if it doesn’t belong to your favorite account. When you copy someone else’s vote, they will receive half of the curation rewards and both their upvote and your upvote will be added together when calculating voting power and payouts.

A user's copy votes page lists every username currently in use and when you click through you can see who has borrowed your vote and when it was borrowed. It's important to note that copy quotas are not subject to decay (or being reduced over time) like normal voting power—you either have a certain amount or you don't. However, copy quotas do still increase based on STEEM Power earned from delegations.

How to Copy vote

Copyvoting is very easy and can be done in few clicks. Follow through as i show you the basics in simple steps.

  • Go to your browser and search
  • Go to the tools bar and click on "copy votes".


  • Log in your account by inputing your steemit username and active posting keys


  • Fill in the curator (Voted by) tab (i inputed steemcurator01) and click on " find posts".


  • All the posts curated by the selected account in a time frame will be shown. You can simple copy vote all by clicking "vote selected posts". You then wait patiently and watch it copy vote all in few minutes.


Easy right?

PS: i have not used a lot of screenshots so that the post can easily be read and to also enable the page load faster.

Now you can go upvote more meaningful posts from across your entire feed in one click by copy voting. Check out new interface and make sure you've signed up there first if you haven't already!

Rewards from Copy Vote

Earn rewards from Copy Vote by choosing from a list of links that you like and upvoting them. This way, you will receive rewards for curating posts on Steemit and at the same time provide exposure to content creators who are trying to get into their first 100. Your choices can also be voted down. If your choice gets voted down it will not be counted as part of your total voting power and you will not earn any SP or rewards. The votes are calculated using an algorithm which is designed to ensure fair distribution among all voters but there is still no guarantee that you will always get paid.

Benefits of Copy Voting?

Copy voting offers benefits over self-voting. When users copy vote, they share their hard earned rewards with those who provide value to Steemit. The more upvotes a post receives, including from people you have copied votes from, can lead to higher rewards for all involved. Getting paid to interact with others on social media? Now that’s a perk! Copy voting is also an easy way to help support new members of our community. By copying your upvote to their posts, you are helping them gain exposure and recognition within our community—all while reaping some of your own rewards in return. We encourage everyone to copy vote as much as possible! For example, if I see a post by @steemchiller and I really like it, I will go through my feed and copy vote any posts by @steemchiller that I think are high quality or relevant. This will not only give @steemchiller some extra exposure but it will also help me get even more exposure by sharing my curation power with them.

Is it worth copy voting?

Copy voting is a big part of steemit, but is it worthwhile? Copy votes are used to help raise up posts. If you read content that you like, and believe others will enjoy it too, you can copy vote it so that more people will see it. On steemit there are users who only use their influence for their own gain; they’ll either copy votes on something they themselves wrote to make it appear popular or copy vote on someone else’s post hoping that person didn’t look at their voting power before making up their mind.


Meanwhile, you might have also heard about Copy Posts...

What are Copy Posts?

Copy posts are a new way to get paid for your content. How does it work? Imagine if someone copied your post and wrote one of their own from scratch, then posted that new post on their account. If people upvoted their copy post, you’d get a portion of those rewards as well! Copy Posts also pay you even if nobody copies your content—the votes they receive still trickle down to you. This makes it a great opportunity for high-quality writers who don’t have much luck with upvotes or curation rewards to earn more STEEM.

How to Vote For a Copy Post

Voting for a copy post is simple. Find one that interests you and use upvote, resteem and follow (UFR) to help share it with others. It’s important that everyone does their part in helping copy posts spread throughout Steemit. For instance, if you want to try posting your own original content but don’t have a following to help support you – or an audience that likes your style – consider helping copy posts instead. This can help build your reputation in a way that makes it easier for others to see your best work later on.

Creating Your Own Copy Post

Copy posts are among my favorite types of content to read. It’s easy to create your own copy post that leverages an idea or theme from another blogger and converts it into something different with a new twist. The key is coming up with an angle that makes your post unique enough from what you’re copying that you aren’t violating copyright laws (or at least not so much as to get in trouble). If you can, try going for completely original content by making connections between your idea and other similar blogs or themes. This ensures uniqueness while also working with what’s popular in existing blogs on Steemit and beyond.


Achievement 1 post

Cc :

My name is Akanbi-Muhammad Saheed, a final year student of University of Ilorin. I am an affiliate and information marketer. For the past few months now I've been learning about crypto, getting to know valuable people on steemit, creating contents, supporting and helping this community to grow bigger. It is my ultimate plan to build a solid reach and engagement on Steemit.


 2 years ago 

This post has expired so it cannot be submitted to boom, please release the latest post regarding you as one of the contest winners.

Describe your post so that it was chosen as the winner of the contest and what are your next hopes for this contest

 2 years ago 

@irewandedy, Do you mean that i should only write a short post about me being a winner and add my hopes for the next contests?

Just that and maybe a screenshot?

 2 years ago 

Write a short post and include your contest link. at least you write 200 words

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Do not worry, i will write an entire new and quality post instead. I will share the link here.

 2 years ago 

You can mention @amryksr as the contest organizer

 2 years ago 

@steembetterlife, please review my club status, no community has tagged me as no club so far.Seeing this here is surprising and i request a prompt response for correction as it could be detrimental to me, thank you.

Cc :

Please help me out here.

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator07.
Curated By - @haidermehdi
Curation Team - The7up

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