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RE: The Diary Game Senin 17 Juni 2024| Suasana Malam Lebaran Ke 2 Di Warung Nongsky


Thank you so much for publishing your post in Steem For Betterlife Community!

| Criteria | All good 👍

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Kami membutuhkan bantuan dan berharap Anda sesekali mendukung steembetterlife atau worldsmile.

| Status Club | Club5050

| Free AI Article | ✅

| Hashtags | USE 1st tag #betterlife

Please use #betterlife as your first hashtag. You wrote the hashtag #burnsteem25 wrong. You can change it.

Silakan gunakan #betterlife sebagai tagar pertama Anda. Anda salah menulis tagar #burnsteem25. Anda dapat mengubahnya.

| Moderator ID | wakeupkitty

★ Your photos gave me a good idea about the atmosphere. 👍
Try to avoid saying what is obvious it makes your diary a better text.
Example: if you say you are going to eat the reader understands you are hungry.
Thank you for sharing this special day.
Blessings to you.

Foto-foto Anda memberi saya gambaran yang bagus tentang suasananya. 👍
Cobalah untuk menghindari mengatakan apa yang sudah jelas, hal ini akan membuat buku harian Anda menjadi teks yang lebih baik.
Contoh: jika Anda mengatakan Anda akan makan, pembaca akan mengerti bahwa Anda lapar.
Terima kasih telah berbagi di hari yang istimewa ini.
Berkat untuk Anda.


Appeal to community members:

  • Let's increase Steem Power (SP) to support each other by joining at least #club5050

  • Maintain the authenticity of your content to get greater support

  • Only use original photos or copyright-free images by linking the image source

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