World Smile Project Program | BoQ For Construction of a Free Education Center (Building Area 9 x 4.5 Meters)

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE3 years ago (edited)
50% of Rewards Donated @worldsmile To Accelerate the Construction of Free Educational Center

This material list is based on the use of Indonesian normal construction (SNI)

The World Smile Project team has conducted an initial survey of the planned construction of the Free Education Center Building and we have conducted a feasibility assessment to help realize the dreams of orphans and poor people in the North Aceh region, precisely in Blang Village, Syamtalira Aron, North Aceh. In order to realize this program, we have also calculated the volume and cost requirements for the construction of the Free Education Center Building. Based on the Work Coefficient Analysis, we from the World Smile Project Team through the STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE Community will work together and try to help as much as possible in the hope of immediately carrying out the construction of the Free Education Center Building according to the drawings that have been designed and with the material needs that we have calculated in the BoQ table on.

Tim World Smile Project etelah melakukan survey awal terhadap rencana pembangunan Gedung Free Education Center dan kami telah melakukan penilaian kelayakan untuk membantu mewujudkan impian anak yatim dan dhuafa di wilayah Aceh Utara tepatnya di Desa Blang Kecamatan Syamtalira Aron. Guna untuk merealisasikan program ini kami juga telah menghitung kebutuhan volume dan biaya untuk pembangunan Gedung Free Education Center. Berdasarkan Analisis Koefisien Kerja maka kami dari Tim World Smile Project melalui Komunitas STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE akan bekerja sama dan berusaha membantu semaksimal mungkin dengan harapan dapat segera melaksanakan pembangunan Gedung Free Education Center sesuai Gambar yang telah dirancang dan dengan kebutuhan material yang telah kami hitung pada tabel BoQ di atas.

The list of BoQ tables above is calculated based on the reference design results below, with the agreed building size 9 mx 4.5 m.

Daftar tabel BoQ diatas kami hitung berdasarkan acuan pada hasil Desain dibawah ini, dengan ukuran Gedung yang telah disepakati adalah 9 mx 4,5 m.


Front View


Back View


Left View


Right View

The following is the documentation when the team conducted a survey to the location of the planned construction of the Free Education Center








We are currently raising funds for the additional costs of construction of the Free Education Center Building in North Aceh, by distributing 50% of the prizes from the post to the @worldsmile account. All funds raised in this account will be dedicated to the use of the International World Smile Project

Saat ini kami sedang menggalang dana untuk biaya tambahan pembangunan Gedung Pusat Pendidikan Gratis di Aceh Utara, dengan membagikan 50% hadiah dari pos ke akun @worldsmile . Semua dana yang terkumpul di akun ini akan didedikasikan untuk penggunaan Proyek Senyum Dunia Internasional.

Links related to the World Smile Project Program on free education :
  1. STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE/ WORLD SMILE PROJECT OFFICIAL REPORT : Evaluation of the Feasibility of Free Education Infrastructure Development by @irawandedy

  2. Initial assessment and feasibility survey of free education center word smile project by @miftahuddin


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Best Regard


No friendship is good, except for a conversation that never ends

 3 years ago 

Projects yang luar biasa, berharap proyek ini segera terealisasi dan dapat bermanfaat untuk anak negeri

 3 years ago 

Terimaksih banyak atas dukungan dari @bangmimi
Project ini akan segera di mulai dalam waktu dekat.

 3 years ago 

Senang mendengarnya, Dunia akan tersenyum melihat kedermawanan dan aksi kebaikan yang telah diprogramkan oleh tim STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE

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