The Diary Game (February, 7 2023) The beauty of Lake Laut Tawar, Central Aceh


Laut Tawar Lake - Central Aceh

It's been a long time since I posted a game diary theme, and by chance I managed to capture some of the documentation while doing activities, and this time I will share about my trip to Central Aceh District, which we call a little vacation.

So it would be better if I also share my activities with all my friends, I hope you all like it.

While having breakfast, suddenly my children took me on vacation, even though it wasn't a weekend so I thought it wouldn't hurt to take them for a walk, because it's been a very long time since I haven't taken them on vacation.

Lake Laut Tawar in Central Aceh District is the only tourist attraction chosen by children, even though it takes quite a long time to get there, we decided to go and be back before sunset.

Mountain view

Long story short, we arrived there and spent time at the lake enjoying the beautiful scenery at the foot of the mountain, the cold temperature in the area prevented us from staying there long, let alone the wife's health condition which had not fully recovered. Just enjoying the view and ordering some snacks to fill the small vacation time.

one of the places that we can make as lodging for tourists

At noon we decided to go back home, even though the children didn't want to go home yet we had to end our little vacation right away, because before the sun set we had to return home, considering we were traveling by motorbike hadi was worried there would be fog and rain on late afternoon, and just before sunset we arrived home.

Stop at the Resto for lunch

This trip did not leave much of an impression on us, because it started off in a hurry and came back in a hurry, so there were many things that the children did not have time to enjoy.

After returning home, the children looked tired and immediately took a break, while the wife, as usual, headed to the kitchen to prepare for our evening.

That's all for my diary game this time, there aren't many things I can share for my trip this time, but next time I will share about the advantages that exist in Central Aceh District when it becomes a tourist attraction that is of interest to tourists.


Danau Laut - Takengoen -Tawar Aceh Tengah

Sudah lama saya tidak memposting tema diary game, dan kebetulan saya sempat mengabadikan beberapa dokumentasi saat menjalani aktifitas, dan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang perjalanan saya menuju Kabupaten Aceh Tengah yang kami sebut sebagai liburan kecil.

Jadi akan lebih baik jika saya juga membagikan aktifitas saya kepada teman-teman semua, saya harap anda semua menyukainya.

Sambil sarapan pagi, tiba-tiba saya anak-anak mengajak liburan, meski bukan akhir pekan jadi saya pikir tidak ada salahnya untuk membawa mereka jalan-jalan, karena sudah sangat lama juga mereka tidak saya bawa untuk berlibur.

Danau Laut Tawar yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah merupakan satu-satunya objek wisata yang dipilih oleh anak-anak, meskipun harus menghabiskan waktu yang lumayan lama untuk bisa samapi disana, namun kami memutuskan untuk pergi dan akan kembali sebelum matahari terbenam.

Pemandangan pengunungan

Singkat cerita, kami tiba disana dan menghabiskan waktu di danau dengan menikmati pemandangan indah di kaki gunung, suhu dingin di daerah tersebut membuat kami tidak bisa berlama-lama disana, apalagi kondisi kesehatan istri yang belum pulih total. Sekedar menikmati pemandangan dan memesan beberap cemilan untuk mengisi waktu liburan kecil.

salah satu tempat yang bisa kita jadikan sebagai penginapan bagi wisatawan

Siang Hari kami memutuskan untuk kembali pulang, meskipun anak-anak belum menginginkan pulang namun kami harus segera mengakhiri liburan kecil kami, karena sebelum matahari tenggelam kami harus sudah kembali tuba dirumah, mengingat kami menempuh perjalanan dengan menggunakan motor hadi dikhawatirkan akan ada kabut dan hujan di sore hari, dan tepat sebelum matahari terbenam kami tiba dirumah.

Singgah di Resto untuk makan siang

Perjalanan kali ini tidak meninggalkan banyak kesan bagi kami, karena dimulai berangkat dengan buru-buru dan pulang pun dengan buru-buru, jadi ada banyak hal yang tidak sempat di nikmati oleh anak-anak.

Setelah kembali kerumah, anak-anak terlihat kecapean dan langsung istirahat, sementara istri seoerti biasanya menuju dapur untuk mempersiapkan malam kami.

Sekian diary game saya kali ini, tidak banyak hal yang dapat saya bagikan untuk perjalanan saya kali ini, tapi lain waktu saya akan membagikan tentang kelebihan yang ada di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah ya g saat menjadi objek wisata yang di minati oleh para wisatawan.

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Thank You 👍

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Sungguh tempat yang sangat indah
I like that....

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Terimakasih, selamat berjumpa disana dilain kesempatan

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The view is really really beautiful 😍 I am loving the place you mist have enjoyed a lot with your family. A nice diary game. Really enjoyed reading it.

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