The Diary Game [26/05/24] : Despite my illness I went to church and attended mother's day celebration event



Greetings everyone, remember that no matter what you face in life, never give up on your dreams, always have up to plan C because life seems to be getting more tough day by day. This is Tuesday the 3rd day of the week and I seriously have alot of tasks in my hands currently but I believe I will finish them before the end of today. I will begin my day with a diary game post and I will be talking about the 26th day of May 2024 which was our mother's day celebration in the church.

Morning Period

Waking up that morning was by the grace of God, I was really ill throughout last two weeks and I suffered alot because I couldn't do the things I plan to do that week. I struggled to prepare myself for church because illness has never stopped me from not going to church. I finally got ready and one of the things that motivated me to go to church was to charge my phone and power bank because they were both switched off that morning. I ate breakfast and took my drugs before I left the house.


I began to walk slow on the road, am a guy that always walk fast 😂, but that day I was walking slow because my body was weak. I finally arrived at the church and went to the back of the church to check something before I saw some vestments that were on the rope for sun to heat them since they were still wet abit. I went inside the church before the mass began and charged my phone and power bank then I sat down for a while to rest. Trekking to church was very stressful for me that day

Afternoon Period

That Sunday was mother's day celebration in our church and that's also one of the reasons I got motivated to go to church. Everywhere was colorful in the church and it was the women that served the second mass that Sunday and I was impressed at their performance in the mass, they didn't make up to three mistakes. Immediately the mass ended, the celebration fully began and everyone went outside to fully witness the celebration.


I was excited that the generator was still on because my phone and power bank hasn't gotten to 100% My friend and I sat close to each other outside and we began to observe the event, we laughed at some funny moments and I was just happy that moment. I took my friend's Samsung device to snap few things because my phone was still charging. I took a selfie of myself and I also saw some of the women preparing for march past competition.


I later saw my younger brother coming towards our direction and I took a picture of him as he was coming, he doesn't stay at a place in events like this in the church because he always wants to eat more than one plate of rice 😂. He said he wants to check his phone inside the church to know if it was fully charged and I went with him then I saw my friend's younger brother sitting alone near the tank, observing the march past from a distance and he saw me when I was snapping him.

I finally went to where I was sitting and drank the yoghurt my friend bought in the church, we were still observing the march past and rice was shared to people and we received drinks before getting our rice then my brother cane again and said he has already eaten rice but he will sit with our so that they will give him again once they start sharing rice in the place my friend and I are sitting 😂.


I took a picture of my brother again while we waited for the rice and we began to hear some argument from the women who were complaining about one of my fellow altar servers who instructed the drummers to play nonsense once it gets to the turn for a particular group to march so that they will not March well and the women didn't march well because of this but the guy was defending himself, saying that he didn't say anything to the drummers.

Evening Period

I was still present at the event till evening because I was waiting for my power bank to fully charge, it charges slow alot and am not happy about this at all. The result for the March past was announced and a particular group with yellow uniform won and they were so excited. I was really happy for the women. We also ate rice but I didn't eat much because I didn't have appetite as a result of my illness. I just ate the chicken and less than 12 spoons of rice.


My younger brother told me he ate a total amount of 3 plates of rice and I wasn't surprised at all because he does that alot which isn't good only when the rice isn't enough for everyone in such events. I turned on my phone and took the pictures I snapped with my friends phone, though I sent them to my WhatsApp and I also took one video of the march past, his mum was in the yellow women's group and my mum was at home, she's not really strong to go to church every Sundays. My brother and youngest sister met me at the front of the church and we all went home together then I slept till 9pm because I was weak.

All images legally belongs to me!


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Curated by : @bossj23
 12 days ago 

Thanks bro

So, you are death sick and thought: let's stumble to church spread my viruses, charge my phone, eat 12 spoons of rice and take some pictures with my friend's phone. Nearly dead you arrived home and slept. It doesn't sound like a better life to me but at least you earned by writing this one!

That brother of yours must be extremely hungry. Is a parasite hidden inside eating all that rice?

Do you feel better now? It's fine if you don't wear your happy face.

Btw my phone charges faster if i don't use it, no wifi and switched off. Samsung and Apple are known for purposely slowing down the battery.


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