The importance of sleep. @sadiayesmin

Assalamu Alaikum Steemians

My username is @sadiayesmin and I'm from Bangladesh.

The more sleep you get, the longer your life will be. The importance of sleep for maintaining physical health Top business people or political figures are frequently overheard bragging about their lack of sleep. They are competing with one another to get less sleep.


Less sleep is nothing to be proud of since getting too little sleep significantly impacts our body and brain.
University of California, Berkeley Professor of Neuroscience and Psychology Matthew Walker.

  • Why We Sleep is a book he penned. This book can change your life, he asserts.
    Matthew Walker is aware that due to their hectic daily schedules, people today must do a lot in a short period of time. No time to go to bed. They are less inclined to attempt to get more sleep.
    He claimed that when we battle with our bodies, we actually lose. We continue to fall ill.
    We can learn all there is to know about sleep from Professor Matthew Walker, who also explains how to form sound sleeping habits:


  • Why is sleep so crucial?

All of the human study on the condition has revealed one thing. The lifespan of a person decreases with the amount of sleep they get. So, maintain good physical health and get enough sleep at night if you wish to live in old age.
Sleep is prevalent. The cost of healthcare is zero. Professor Walker is currently advocating for doctors to recommend rest to their patients because sleep is so beneficial to health.

Sleep has countless advantages. Without sleep, the body and mind are severely impacted.
However, for sleep to be beneficial, it must be regular sleep and not sleep-inducing medication due to the risk of cancer, infection, and other diseases from sleeping drugs.


  • What impact does lack of sleep or inadequate sleep have on the body and mind?

Numerous illnesses that are fatal in the developed world have a strong or moderate link to insomnia.
As an illustration, consider Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, and even suicide.
Sleep allows your body's systems, as well as the networks and activities in your brain, to recharge. These processes are interfered with when you don't get enough sleep.


  • How much sleep is necessary for health

Seven to nine hours is the succinct response.
You can gauge the effects of obtaining less than seven hours of sleep on your body and mind. Your immune system and consciousness start to deteriorate.
You will experience the same symptoms as when you have had too much alcohol if you remain awake for 20 hours nonstop.

  • The issue with insomnia or lack of sleep is that we often fail to recognize the negative effects it has on our health.
    Like a drunk driver sitting in a pub, that is. He might have said, "I'm fine," while taking their car keys. He isn't well, though, and shouldn't be behind the wheel.
    Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is now far less frequent, is also declining. Yet why?
    If you examine data from industrialized nations, you'll notice a glaring trend: during the past century, the amount of sleep we get has only gradually declined. Our odds of experiencing REM or deep sleep are similarly reduced when we get less sleep. However, during this sleep stage, we dream.
    It is detrimental for us if the RAM is low because creativity and mental wellness depend greatly on it.
    To put it another way, REM serves as a form of emotional first aid for us. Every night we receive.
    We are sleeping less than before for a variety of reasons, including:

  • A lack of information
    Even though scientists now have a lot of knowledge regarding sleep, they haven't successfully shared it with the general people. The majority of people are unaware of how crucial sleep is. They, therefore, don't care if they get enough sleep.

  • active life
    In general, we are now working significantly longer hours and traveling farther to work. We leave the house extremely early in the morning to commute to work, and we get back home pretty late in the evening. Additionally, we do not want to abandon our social and family lives. Consequently, spending time with family, hanging out with friends, and watching TV. However, the entire day passes.
    Additionally, we divide our limited time between sleeping and other activities.


  • Oversleeping is thus no longer acceptable. People now boast about their lack of sleep. But things weren't always that way.Nobody will call a baby lazy if the baby is sleeping because we are aware of how crucial sleep is for infants. However, if you contrast your childhood with your adult life, you will see that there are some significant differences.
    We genuinely give up the notion that sleep is necessary as we become older. Instead, we criticize people who sleep more.However, biology contains examples of such things. It's known as a fat cell.Our body has evolved these vital "adipose cells" through evolution. So that we consume more and store energy in our bodies when there is no lack of food. We can survive by consuming that energy when food is in short supply.

  • Why can't we build comparable structures in our brains?
    Humans intentionally skip sleep because humans are the only creature on the planet that does so.
    There has never been a natural phenomenon like this. Therefore, nature made no effort to discover a solution.
    That explains why even one night of insomnia may adversely affect the body and psyche. We are so delicate!

Thank you very much for reading my post.

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