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RE: A Mistake I Made and What I Have Learned is that Steem is NOT for BetterLife


I often encountered mistakes by moderators. One of the most common is the incorrect definition of the club. People forget that prize money and charity spending should not be taken into account when determining a club. Actually, I would never have paid attention to it, but after the incorrect definition of the club, the moderators began to make accusations. As a result, I rarely post anything outside of my comfort zone :)

I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to apply to become a Steem Representative. You see, you put a lot of time and effort into this platform, you interact a lot with other authors, you are a great writer. All these are the components that an ideal Representative should have.

You should not think that the status of Representative will impose any additional duties on you or take too much time. You yourself choose what to do.

The idea behind the Steemit team was to have Steem Representatives from all over the world. Unfortunately, it turned out to be an extremely difficult task to recruit Representatives from Europe. Therefore, I strongly ask you to think about this issue.


I think you read my entry why I do not want a SR. I am not so sure if it will take me more or less time.

You can leave me a discription to what is asked/required.

The way I work now is I answer comments/visit those who upvoted me (read/comment/upvote) at times I bump into another post plus those I mention I pay a visit too. If I'm out of votes I return later.

A "problem" is I need to invest two days in reading, mainly meaning I write ahead on other days...I get grumpy if I can't write and am already not investing as much time as I want to.

How many SR from Europe are there?

If it comes to the club issues I'm not going to tiptoe I rather post elsewhere or keep it in my blog.

I understand why you post in your comfort it's the wisest thing to do.

You can share with me how you work, how many hours a day, by gmail wakeupkitty@ is fine too.

Stay safe and enjoy the fun of writing.

I'm out of here life calls plus my SP is looow.

Posted using SteemPro Mobile

I'm out of here life calls plus my SP is looow.

I completely forgot about this rule. So my suggestion has no substance.

The way I work now is I answer comments/visit those who upvoted me (read/comment/upvote) at times I bump into another post plus those I mention I pay a visit too. If I'm out of votes I return later.

This is what the Representatives do. It's like community drivers.

How many SR from Europe are there?

If I'm not mistaken, only weisser-rabe.

You can share with me how you work, how many hours a day

I don't treat Steemit like a job, so I only do what I want and only in my spare time. The situation in Ukraine is very uncertain right now, so I spend less on Steemit than I would like. About 3 hours a day.

Fortunately, even without the status of a Representative, you do all the things that strengthen and enrich the community :)

If you do the work of an SR you do this with your profile or do you need to sign in twice? If I do the Szr job I still need to do my shares. I found dome nice stories today at least something.

You do not belong to Europe?

There are active Italians but I think most Eurooean rather stay under the radar.

I thought perhaps we could use the tag EUROPE instead, not that we all are one big family/countrynbutnit might help the curators.

Thanks sofar for the info.

Lrt's see what the nearest future brings.

Stay safe & healthy.


If you do the work of an SR you do this with your profile or do you need to sign in twice?

Representatives work only from their account. A representative is like an example, an ideal model, of how authors should behave and interact on the platform. So beginners see an example and follow. As a result, the community develops.

You do not belong to Europe?

Some Europeans have a negative attitude to the fact that we call ourselves Europeans. So I'm cautious about it. Geographically we are Europe, but politically we are still gaining independence :)

There are active Italians

Yes, they have a good community.

I thought perhaps we could use the tag EUROPE instead

Unfortunately, when searching by tags, only the first four are active. Authors must use tags about the club, exclusivity, etc. there. Therefore, there will not be enough space for the new tag. For now, I will continue to create my base of authors from Europe and beyond.

If it comes to Europe... I don't like to join that club either and I can't stand it if overseas says: I was in Europe and think it's one country. I doubt that will ever happen. It's not that I feel super proud to be dutch but I'm not Italian, not English and not Belgium or German and for sure not Austrian.

@patjewell said I should go for it, I told her I'm cancelled LOL

Good to know thrle job can be down with the own account.


Ps there are hosts asking for even 6 nonsense tags..I checked the # story # creativewriting it's a stories/tales, no creativity :(

I doubt that will ever happen.

I think Europe would lose a lot culturally if it ever turned into a monolithic country. So many different languages, traditions, peculiarities... Diversity makes us richer.

It's not that I feel super proud to be dutch

I think you should be proud of that 😀. Your country does not engage in terror, does not persecute its own citizens, does not attack other countries, does not promote violence... I see no reason why anyone would not want to be proud to be Dutch.

Are there political problems? Expensive life? Insufficient social protection? Any country has such problems. You will never elect perfect politicians. They simply do not exist.

there are hosts asking for even 6 nonsense tags

Some moderators require that rewards be shared with community accounts. There are many unclear and frankly incorrect requirements in certain competitions. I'm against that, just like I'm against tag clutter.

There happens a lot behind the dutch screens, our votes are thrown away for at least 8 years, no government but still the same reign. The past years many were killed by a shot just to get rid of.

No diversity is exactly what is planned, by that time we have in common we all fight for our own country, live in poverty, wear the same outfit and are chipped.

One commumity asked me why I rewarded 2 steemians next to them and null.
I told them I noticed they did the same with their moderators - never received an answer.

There happens a lot behind the dutch screens

But you have your own unique culture. What is the value of only your literature, although it is not given much attention in Ukrainian schools.

I tend to look for something positive in everything 😉

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.
Curated by : @patjewell


Congratulations! This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @o1eh

Thank you very much. It's appreciated

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