My Traditional Delight: Edikang Ikong soup.

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE9 days ago (edited)


Greetings from nigeria!

Welcome to my blog, it been a wonderful week of learning and practicing in this platform which includes preparation of different dishes, walk with me as i share my today's recipe.

On my today's menu i have Edikang ikong popularly known as fluted gourd this soup is our culinary heritage , its in the list of our most treasured dish in the Efik and ibibio culture ( Southern Nigeria) it is consume mostly because of its health benefits .


• vegetable's
• water leafs
• beef
• cow skin
• stockfish
• crayfish
• oil
• seasoning cubes
• dry fish
• pepper
• perewinkles (optional)
• snail

BeautyPlus_20240920132842046_save_1.jpg fluted gourd

Fluted gourd contains protein needed for hormones balancing.
so lets get started.






I wash all my ingredients put them in my pot add

seasoning cubes salt and pepper add a very little amount

of water and allow it cook.

While my ingredients is on heat i thoroughly wash my leaf

sliced and set it aside, plucked and wash my water leaf

slice and set it aside for letter.

I grind my crayfish set it aside as i will be needing it letter

I allow my ingredients cook for about 10 minutes more as i want my stockfish softened

I checked to see that my ingredients are properly cooked.




I then added my already sliced water leaf to my boiling ingredients cover and allow it to simmer for 5 minutes i added Red oil i also added my roughly blended crayfish note this is how i like to blend my crayfish you can blend it smoother depends on how you want it,i tasted to see if my seasoning was okey then i cover and allow it simmer for about 5 mins.

Now we are left with just one ingredients which is the main ingredient.


I added my vegetable stir it thoroughly with a spatula for proper mix allow it simmer for just 2 minutes and boom our edikan ikong soup is ready.


You can eat it with any solid, i ate mine with fufu.

Hope you have learned a new recipe today see you in my next recipe

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