Official Report WSP : Contruction Progress of Free Education Center East Aceh 85% [September 29, 2022]


Back again in my special report regarding one of the World Smile Project Int programs, which is about the construction progress of the Free Education Center for East Aceh this week. At this time, I as the supervisory team of this program have analyzed this building in accordance with Indonesian construction regulations with nine main items of this building which can be seen in the table below, so the determination of construction progress for the free education center has reached 85%. Where this progress is obtained from the calculation of the results of work in locations that are ready to be done, are being worked on, and have not been done.

At this time the six main items from the free education center have been completed with a weight of 72% which include Site Clearing and Landing Altitude Measurement, Footing, Sloof, Post, Beam, and Steel Truss Roof work items. While currently being worked on, there are two items, namely the Round Floor Building with a construction weight of 3% from 8% and Walls with a construction weight of 10% from 15%. One other main work item that has not been done is Paiting with a construction weight of 0% from 5%. Then it can be totaled from work items that have been done, are being worked on and have not been done by 85% in total.

The focus of the main work at this time is on the wall area in the form of installing bricks in the main room of the free education center and of course this work is carried out simultaneously with plastering for the entire wall of this building, the target completion of the wall only takes a maximum of about 2 to 3 days ahead. Please note that the floor work items will be carried out after the walls are completed, this also coincides with the door and window installation work of this building. And for the last work from the free education center in the form of painting or final finishing, it will be done after the main work items that I mentioned above have been completed.

NoType of WorkPersentase
1.Site Clearing and Landing Altitude Measurement5/5
4.Round Floor Building3/8
8.Steel Truss Roof20/20
Total Persentase85/100

And below I also attach several documents in the form of photos of the work carried out today, as follows :

Current condition of Free Education Center Development for East Aceh
Front ViewBack View
Right ViewLeft View
Another perspectiveAnother perspective
Another perspectiveAnother perspective

This is the progress report on the construction of the free education center for East Aceh which has started today as of September 29, 2022. Finally, I would like to say thank you to all the donors who have donated to every program from WSP, and we also extend our gratitude. convey to the steemit team via @steemcurator01 and @steemcurator02 who have supported the World Smile Project so far.

Free Education Center Building Information for East Aceh (World Smile Project INT)
ProjectFree Education Center
TypeBuiding Contruction
Size or Dimention9 x 6 meter
AddressTanjong Punti village, Madat district, East Aceh
Benefit recipientsEarly Childhood

Cc : @pennsif @el-nailul @heriadi @irawandedy @mariana4ve @ubongudofot @patjewell @alanasteemit @hungry-griffin @rme

East Aceh, September 29, 2022
WSP Construction Supervisor


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@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

This is a manual curation from the @tipU Curation Project.

 2 years ago 

Oh wow! So close to being finished!
Thank you for the feedback! ☕

 2 years ago 

Thanks Pat

These projects are worthy of being shown, it is really necessary that these works continue to transcend and show how much can be done from a social vision and great community support.
Excellent Work

 2 years ago 


Good morning @klen.civil

I actually wated to ask you a question:

Have you seen recent announcement by Steemitblog related to new way of distributing TRX tokens to Steemit users? ( you can check it out here ).
I figured that you may have not seen this post and it's worth to be aware of implemented changed.

Check it out and I'm curious on what do you think about it? based on other people suggestion, it may be best to set up 100% power up on all your posts published on Steemit.

Is there any way to get in touch with you? Perhaps you could join our project.hope discord server ( and I would gladly reach out to you.

cheers, Piotr

 2 years ago 

My discord


Got it @klen.civil :)

Changing topic: our community founder posted lately an interesting topic, which turned into quite a solid discussion
Idea is to create "pockets of demand" for STEEM token, which hopefully would result with higher buying pressure and reflect on price of the token.

Consider checking it out, resteeming and sharing your own thoughts:

 2 years ago 

Wow this is a very nice initiative. This results in many poor children who do not get good schools to study. It will be very beneficial for them.

Thank you for taking such a nice initiative.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Falta poco para otro mega programa del WSP. 😆✌️FELIZ de ser testigo y parte de todo lo que se ha hecho. 💙

 2 years ago 


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