Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W2: "Easy Come, Easy Go" by @jyoti-thelight

I'm happy to submit my entry on the contest that #STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE has launched Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W2. This is kind of unique and useful subject, I really enjoy to write on this subject topic .

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Easy Come, Easy Go

What do you understand about Easy Come, Easy Go?

This Easy Come, Easy Go concept is relevant in many aspects of our life. For example we can see this concept in success in life, success in education, success in position, success in sports etc. Because if a thing is easily available to us, we will not value it, respect it, and its greatness. So we will not retain it. That victory is easily separated from us. Today I want to talk about money in this concept.


Money is what everyone expects to be easily accessible in this world, many people earn money in many ways. Some earn by direct and hard work, some earn by fame, some earn by indirect means. But the easiest of these is to earn through illegal means. When easily obtained are easily taken away from one another. At the same time, the money earned by one's hard work and effort remains with him.

Have you ever experienced a condition in life like that ? Share your experience if you have any.

I was told a tale about the Easy Come, Easy Go idea. Babu was a man who was constantly seeking for ways to save time and money. He believed that putting in a lot of effort was pointless and that by using shortcuts, he could become wealthy rapidly. He eventually discovered a career that offered quick and simple money. He began working for them and quickly amassed a sizable sum of money.

But he soon understood that the work was against the law and that he was acting improperly. Everyone was taken into custody during a police raid one day, including Babu. He lost all he had worked for, including the estates his family had given him, and his reputation was destroyed.


Babu understood after that day that using short cuts to make money was not a desirable habit. He understood that striving for success through hard effort and patience is the only way to be successful in life. He started out honestly and diligently, and over time, he developed a reputable and prosperous career.

The moral of the story is that, earning money without put effort or by illegal may not stay with us and it put us in trouble. As a result, the phrase "Easy Come, Easy Go" is appropriate in this context. Work hard and honestly if you want to establish a successful and rewarding life.

How did you deal with the instant success that disappears in a short time?

The instant success thing seems kind of comical to me. A lot of people will either misrepresent themselves in order to win, or gain that success through a recommendation or bribe from someone they know. But they will be humiliated when they find out that the victory is not theirs. A win like this is equivalent to buying a trophy in the store without winning the match. This instant success does not always give lasting fame except to give one an insult, and the success that comes with it is not what we need.


What lesson can be drawn from this expression?

We have many lessons to learn from this concept. For example, no easily acquired property stays with us forever. Nor do we hold onto easy success. Similarly, no material that is easily available is stable with us. At the same time, the lessons we should learn from this are that any fame and fortune earned through hard work, effort and our own intelligence will stay with us forever.

What if you associate the statement above with a romantic relationship If you have any, could you describe it?

This concept is very suitable in love life. If one expresses his love easily, or if someone expresses his love to him easily, neither of them realizes the greatness of it. Whereas if he knows his love behind a great sacrifice, he will value that love, which will be so great for him and unforgettable for him in life. So there are many examples of this easy go easy come concept being applicable in romantic life as well.


I would like to invite @usoro01, @enamul17, @solaymann and @poorvik to participate and win in this contest. 25% of this post is got @null



 last year 

He understood that using shortcuts to earn money is not a desirable habit. He understood that striving for success through hard work and patience is the only way to succeed in life. He started with honesty and passion, and with time, he developed a distinguished and prosperous career.
The above statement is very accurate, I also believe that money earned through hard work, dedication and patience is the real earning.

yes, if everyone understands this concept will reduce money-related crimes. thankyou for reading and passing a valuable feedback

 last year 

You are welcome @jyoti-thelight.

 last year 

Yes, this concept is very much fits to earning money system and you have written well about this topic, Wish you all the best thank you for inviting, i already submitted my entry

Yes, it is fit to money , thank you for reading i wish you the same

I like the old couple love life the way they move together despise their old age

Yes if anyone finds their love hard and struggle they make it long-lasting, thank you for reading

It's always better to go through the process and experience instead of just making or taking quick short steps which wouldn't last.

Yes I agree with you little knowledge is always dangerous, thank you for reading

 last year 

Realmente cuesta el entender que esta frase es totalmente real, y que lo que llega de forma muy fácil a nuestras manos es muy probable que nos dure poco, y esto se debe a que la única forma de darle el verdadero valor a las cosas es cuando invertimos algún tipo de trabajo o esfuerzo para obtener lo que sea que queramos.

Thank you for reading my post and giving valuable comments and complements, all the best

 last year 

Cinta itu membutuhkan pengorbanan dan tentunya juga perjuangan sehingga kita memahami dengan baik makna cinta yang sebenarnya, sukses selalu buat anda

Thank you for reading and passing valuable comments and compliments

 last year 

You are welcome

 last year 

perlu diingat bahwa persepsi tentang hal yang susah atau gampang dapat berbeda-beda antara individu yang satu dengan yang lain, tergantung pada latar belakang, pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang dimiliki

Yes, I agree with you, keep in mind that the perception of difficult or easy things can vary from one individual to another. Thank you for reading

 last year 

Hi, I enjoyed reading your post. You complement the images nicely with your content. Congratulations on your beautiful writing.

Thankyou for visiting and giving a nice feedback

You have explained it so beautifully. It is very nice to read your article. Bro, there is definitely romance in the relationship that has lasted for 6 years. Or the relationship will not last.

 last year 

Hello @jyoti-thelight, I hope you are doing well.

You have explained the phrase Easy Come Easy Go in a perfect way everyone can easily understand. Yes you said right, a thing that is easily available has not much worth for you as you get it easily.

Babu invested in wrong business and he soon released that he did wrong when police caught him and others in a raid. You can see his money, his efforts, and reputation all goes in vain because he was lazy and did wrong business.

Yes you said right, there is no easy success and we must work really hard for long term or lifetime success. My view is the same for this topic.

I heard it a lot of time that if you are available to a person easily he/she will not value you. And I experienced it one time in my life.

However, you have created good content with good research. I appreciate for the efforts you put and I wish you success in this as well as all other contest. Stay Blessed :)

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