Contest : "Steem in the future", What do you Think About Steem for the next Two Years?|| Entry by @justice009|| 25% goes to @steem.amal

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE3 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians, hope you're all good.



I was introduced to Steemit about a month ago by a friend. She talked and talked and talked about this platform but i didn't believe, i was thinking it was something like a referral program or something else that just didn't seem right, well it turned out that i was wrong. Joining Steemit is one of the best things that has happened to me this year. So after much talk from my friend, i decided to join with raised eye brows, i still wasn't sure. I did a little research about it and found out some interesting stuff about it. Firstly, i found out that nit was actually a crypto currency and has a platform for content creators which also earn rewards for their creativity and since then I've come to love Steemit.
Talking about the progress of Steemit, well i think its a great project with great potential. Steem was found by Ned Scott and Dan Larimer in 2016. It's a social media platform that has built in rewards system for quality contents created by contents creators and like some other crypto currencies, it has experienced it's ups and downs but i believe it'll continue to grow and become even better because of a few reasons I'll list below.

Steemit is a good source for learning

Before joining Steemit, i had very little knowledge about the cryptoverse. All i knew was i goes up and down without know the causes and the benefits too. But joining Steemit has boosted my knowledge about cryptos. I have also got to learn about various other stuffs through the quality contents of other users. With the help of this Steemit platform I've become better on crytos and now i can contribute Positively to the growth of our beloved, now think of how many other people feel this way, the growth of this coin will be inevitable.

Activity and Competition

To me these are two important virtues to have if you're looking for growth. Steemit not only have these two, but also encourages it. It encourages activity by teaching you how to create contents here and then encourages competition by creating contests. This competition is what I find interesting because the contestants try to outperform each other every other time and by so doing, they try to create better contents, which in turn makes steem better. So its a win-win situation for everybody.


There nothing that motivates productivity than rewards and steemit is a platfor that encourages you to be better not only wity contests but with rewards too. It has an inbuilt reward system for those users who creates quality contents on their platform. Now this does two things, one it encourages old users to keep creating and secondly, it entices new users to join thereby growing the community and coin value in general.


Well, these are my reasons as to why i think investing in steem is a good option, and i look forward to seeing its value in two years time.

Thanks for visiting. Gracias.

Special regards:

I invite @jovita30, @ruthjoe and @irene-hic to join this contest.

25% of this post's rewards goes to @steem.amal


A link to my achievement1 post;

Achievement 1

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