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RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | A Picture + Comment - 6 Steem

Monkey business
Ah. The mentality of the scammer.
My friend recommended an herbalist who was prescribing on his website. I should have waited until she actually received her order, which she never did, but I was eager to try to a remedy for a skin rash. (Which eventually went away all by itself.)

The charge for his magical herbs was $199. The package did not arrive but instead he sent an urgent message that the herbs were being held in customs and I needed to send $500 to release them for delivery.
I call this monkey business.

 26 days ago 

In my place the name is topup. Now the fraudsters are getting smarter, I don't know their school status, maybe they are also engineers but lack money.
I know, there's one thing I can say. They share money just by clicking on a brand link, after we are sure of the initial goal, he tells us to send as much money as possible from the money he sent first. When we say we don't have money, he will insult us from our ancestors. 🤣
You need to be careful, if you want to be sure, then we can look at some reviews of people who have bought it, and don't be tempted by the cheap price...
Good luck to you friend... I will spank that "🐒" if I meet someday...

Youtube has many videos about all sorts of scam. You are right as soon as you don't pay or play stupid they start scolding and are extremely aggressive.
I saw one about a professional scammer as well. He tells all the tricks he uses to rob you.

 27 days ago 

OMG really? Did you pay or let it be?
I once had that, not as high and refused it. Pity of the money, the seller recieved the item back but did not refund me.

I learned if it comes to rash and allergies it all heals itself. The most impirtant is not to focus on it.

Thanks for warning for this monkey and his business 😥

I got suckered. But sometimes education is expensive. Evidently he sold my info to a sucker list and I received tons of email for months with "too-good-to -be-true" offers. Gotta watch your step... doggie doo doo is a sticky mess.

 27 days ago 

All that trash was not automatically deliverd in spam? Once in a while I label everything as soam. Must say I rarely see it, unless I ooen my spambox.

If it's too much you can take a new email address.
Once I had to do that with my bank account. Some Sports lottery started taking money from my account. The bank said their hands were tied. Well, mine were not, I ended the account and the problem was solved.

I told my daughter about this dirty trick. Quess what? Three months later they started with her account.

Wow! They are working day and night to come up with new schemes. They have intelligence, just misusing it.

 25 days ago 

They do. If you hear them it is art if it wouldn't be so sad.

 26 days ago 

Dari gambar tersebut saya melihat monyet itu sedang mencari makanan di tas wanita tersebut namun sepertinya monyet kebingungan mengapa banyak sekali alat kosmetik disini, yang kucari pisang kata monyet🤣

Monkey also does business with local shop owners. If he can find a camera, a wallet, some eyeglasses he will go to the shop owner to trade for a banana.

That monkey is damned smart and must be rich. No one catches it, they might find it cute. LOL

That is absolutely VILE!! I hope that scammer gets what he deserves. Im so sorry!

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