[#steemburn25] Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W3: A little bit of motivation can go a long way”. By @ishayachris



Greetings to all the wonderful steemians in the house. Its yet another privilege and opportunity to participate in this week3 of season3 challenge. Last week was wow..! And here were are with another interesting topic again. Special appreciation to this community for this amazing topic. Remain blesses as you continue reading.

Pick TWO of these characters and tell us why you have picked it and what you see as the meaning of these words.

In this section, I pick Merida Brave and Spongebob Squarepants as my two characters. Merida Brave said " our faith lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it". While Spongebob Squarepants said " I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready!. I pick this two characters because their words sink into me the more. At this point of my life, those motivations are all I need. I need to be brave enough to see what lies ahead of me. I need to be brave to see what the future holds, I need to be brave to know that I can do all things. But the question is I'm ready to persevere the challenges? I'm ready to displine myself so that I will have a reason to smile tomorrow? Yes I'm ready.

Gotten from the main contest

The words of Merida Brave reminds me of what is written on one of the signpost at the entrance of our school. It was clearly written on the signpost that your future is in your hands. How is our future in our hands? Do we have control over it? Do we even have control over what will happen to us tomorrow? The answer is yes we do. Our action today determines what we will be tomorrow. The decision me took today, will have great impact on our life's tomorrow. For example, you can not be studying medicine in school today, and be a lawyer after graduation. You also can not spend all your days on bed, and be rich tomorrow. Whatsoever we do today, will definitely speak either for us or against us tomorrow. That's one of the meaning of Merida Brave's words. In another way round, sometimes we feel discouraged. We feel like oh! I can't do it. I will fail even if I try. Oh! This thing is not made for someone like me. All these are words that discourage our success in life. Whenever you say to yourself "I can not do it". Believe me you will never know how to do it. Remember, there is power in tongue. Our tongue can save our life and it can destroy us. To cut it short, we all can do everything that can be done by any human, but then we most believe that we can do it. If you don't believe you can, then you can never know to do it.

Talking about the words of Spongebob Squarepants which says " I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! ". Its a well known fact that everything comes with a prize. To achieve anything, you must sacrifice something. More to that, life itself is full of obstacles and challenges. On your way to better days, challenges, pains, and sorrows must surely come your way. The question is, are you ready for the challenges on your way to success? Are ready fo the battle? Are you ready to pay the prize? If you are ready, then success is yours. If you are ready, then you shall have no regret tomorrow. So be ready! For the challenges, for the pains, and for the sorrows that await you on your journey to better days.

Do you think the statement “A little bit of motivation can go a long way” is true or false? Explain your answer.

There no doubt that a minor motivation can go a long way. Let me tell you a story of how little motivation changed my story. In my first year in the university, my grade was low. I could remember I finished 100 level with 3.00, while some of my friends finished with 3.75, 3.8, while some finished with 4.2. I was worried that my friends are in upper division while I was in lower division. I was worried but I could not motivate myself to do better, because I still finished 200 level with 3.00. Before the start of 300 level, a friend came to me and said " Chris, you can do better. You are smart and intelligent, but you need to only focus more" he also said " its a shame to leave your state of residence to study, and still graduate with a lower grade. No one will celebrate you if after five years in the university, you graduate with lower grade". His words touched both my body, soul, and spirit. I was worried that no one will say congratulations to me after years of studying. Those words changed my story, that little motivation changed everything about me, because that was the end of me failing any exam. After those words, I said to myself, if readying books is what will make me get a good grade, then I'm ready! I'm ready, and I'm ready to study. At the end, I graduated with upper division. The power of little motivation has done it in my life.

Why is motivation important to you as a person?

I can't imagine anyone achieving anything without motivation. For your life to change for better, you need to be motivated. For you to push towards achieving your goals, you need motivation. In every journey of life, there is always a setback. And for you to continue that journey that will take you to your dream, you need motivation. Motivation gives courage, faith, and strength to continue striving forward. As you continue striving, the fair of failure will knock at your door, but only motivation will encourage you to continue and not to stop. As you push towards success, you will be hearing some voices telling you that you can't make it, but motivation will tell you, you can do it. Continue pushing. In summary,

  • motivation pushes through setbacks
  • motivation build self confidence
  • motivation helps to fight against fear
  • motivation clarified goals
  • motivation sets priorities in life.

Do you motivate others? Give two examples

Motivating people to do better is one of the things I always love to do. I motivate not because I get something in return, but I do it because I feel fulfilled whenever I made a lasting impact in the life of people. Motivation changes life. And whosoever you change his life, will never forget you, and his respect will remain with you forever. In the paragraph above, I shared with you how a friend changed my life with a little advice. He is not hear to read how I'm so proud of him, but he is someone I won't forget in my entire life. And that's the same reason I always like motivating people. Below I will share with you how I motivated two people in life.

I have a friend by name Esther. After finishing secondary school, she applied for admission to study computer science in higher institution. Unfortunately for her, she was offered nursing instead of computer science. She was worried and disturbed because she felt she can't do it. She believed nursing is for people who are so brilliant and she is not. After seeing how discouraged she was, I sat her down and asked her, those people that are studying nursing, how many head do they have? She answered and said one. I asked her again, how many head do you have? She said one. Then I said to her, you can do it. There is no course you can not study. The only thing you need is to have a believe in your self. Believe that you can do it. Guess what, last two months, she called me and said, " Chris, I'm so grateful for your encouragement. If not for your words, I could have missed it. I'm now doing great in nursing.

Secondly, back then in school, my friend (Kenneth) was appointed to be our class representative, but he said to me " Chris, I can not lead. I don't have readership qualities. I'm not good enough to represent the class" after listening to him. I tapped his shoulder and said to him, friend, you are a born leader. No one can lead better than you. Leadership is in your blood. Just focus and examine yourself then you will know how great leader you are. After talking to him, he said he will give it a try, and that was how he represented our class till we finished.

What habits can you create to increase motivating yourself?

There is no greater habit to create towards motivating yourself than setting a goal. Goal setting in the only thing that will keep you focused. When you have a goal ahead of you, you will be able to conquer all fear. You will be able to overcome challenges. Even when you are discouraged, the goal you set is what will encourage you to stand strong. Have a purpose, set a target, and discouragement will path ways with you.

In conclusion, motivation in our life's can never be overemphasized because its the the only thing that keeps us going. Never be discouraged. Believe that you can do it, and it shall work out for you. i Remember @patjewell yesterday commented on my post and said " whatever you do, just don't give up now". Simple words but very powerful. Those words gave me reasons to push harder. Those words motivated me. Thank you so much for those words ma'am. I really appreciate.

Finally, I invite @ijebest, @goodybest, and @chichieze to participate.

25% to @burnsteem25

 2 years ago 

Yeah, @ishayachris my hot-hot guy, I dey come join you write this very contest, thanks so very much for the invite. I appreciate you. I will soon be there.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for honoring my invitation. Waiting to read from you

 2 years ago 

Yes,😂 I'm coming.

 2 years ago 

whatever you do, just don't give up now.

Bro, what if you are doing the wrong thing? Just kidding.. Thanks for sharing, I did learn a lot from your post.

 2 years ago 

Bro, don't be surprised if I tell you some people find it comfortable to do wrong,

 2 years ago 

My dear, I wont be surprised at all as I have seen a few myself.

 2 years ago 

Smiles, 😁

 2 years ago 

Hahahaha, i'm sure she won't encourage me to continue doing what is wrong.
I'm really glad you learned something from my post sir. I'm really grateful

 2 years ago 

Good to read your publication, patwell has done well motivating you by telling you such words, it a motivational words and I am certain it triggered some working adrenaline,

Navigation goes a long way bro, I can't count number of times I have motivated myself or someone motivated me, in short in this era, there are enough scenes that will motivate you

Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

You have said perfectly well sir. I really appreciate your visit

 2 years ago 

You are welcome mate


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