A Defining Moment In My Life And How It Affected Me.


Hello Everyone !

This post is my entry for the Reflective Contest: Write About A Defining Moment In Your Life And How It Has Affected You, organized by @goodybest .

Sometimes, the most profound beauty emerges from the deepest challenges. This year, an event occurred that completely changed my perspective and behavior towards others, revealing the true beauty of trust and personal growth.

About a year ago, I was a very cheerful and friendly girl who loved making new friends. In my class, I was quite popular, and everyone enjoyed my company. I was also a favorite of my teachers. My friends were very good to me, and I cared for them as much as they cared for me. We shared everything with each other.

I never thought that in this world, someone could betray me over a few marks, or that a friend could be jealous of another. I always believed that my friends would achieve more than me, and I never felt any jealousy.

Last year, when our final semester results were announced, I had the highest marks among my friends. Previously, my marks were usually lower, but I had worked very hard and studied diligently, and my efforts paid off.

However, my friends were upset with me. They accused me of studying secretly and not informing them. I explained that during the holidays, I utilized my free time to study for our exams. Despite telling them that I was preparing, they were still angry. This hurt me because when their marks were higher than mine, I never questioned their efforts or felt bad about it.



After this incident, our new semester started, and we had to join a software house. I had researched several software houses online that offered web and Android development courses along with internships. I informed my friends about this, and one agreed to join, while the other declined, saying she didn't have time.

Later, I discovered that she had already joined a software house without telling us. When confronted, she claimed she was just checking the environment and study conditions before informing us.

Feeling betrayed, I decided to join a software house with another friend. We started attending classes, but I found the coursework challenging. Whenever I asked my friend for help, she would pretend not to understand. However, she always submitted her assignments correctly and received praise. Despite my struggles, she never shared her notes or assignments with me.

Our teachers often encouraged sharing notes, but my friend never did. I, being an introvert, couldn't express my feelings openly. This continued until I decided to leave the software house. My friend scolded me, saying I wasn't trying hard enough, but the truth was, I felt overwhelmed and unsupported.

Eventually, the software house course ended, and my friend suggested I apply for an internship. I declined, knowing I wasn't proficient enough. Later, I found out she had applied for the internship while pretending she didn't have time. This broke my trust completely.

Now, I rarely make new friends and prefer staying at home. I have realized that many people are only interested in their own success and don't genuinely care about others. This experience has had both positive and negative impacts on my life.

It has made me more cautious and selective about whom I trust and share my life with. I now focus on my family and personal growth, finding peace in solitude and meditation.

That's it from today's blog. I hope you will like it. With best wishes ❤️. Now I like to invite @norat, @pathanapsana and @neelofar to participate in this amazing contest.

Thanks a lot for reading ❤️🤗.

My introduction post

Regards: @hudamalik20.



Sorry for the betrayal. There are more self centered people around today but true friends still exist. I hope you find that friend someday

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