Time to be Creative: Five-Word Fiction #03 | As you sow so you reap

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFElast year (edited)

Assalamualaikum and Good evening to you all

Brother @damithudaya has announced another great contest. Honestly saying I am waiting for this contest after the last one. Thank you for creating this brilliant contest, Time to be Creative: Five-Word Fiction #03. Let me start my story.

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Since morning my old Dad was repeatedly forbidding me to go to work. But I can't give up our family business. Although my father has always hated us for doing this, it doesn't matter to me. I enjoy my job very much.

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I left home early in the morning. The purpose is to stay for a while at our cottage on the edge of the forest and see the situation in the forest. Today there is great job potential. My friends have already left too.

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Sitting in the cottage I could hear the sweet sound of the river. Because of this river, our work becomes much easier. My friends have come. Some distance away from our cottage is a barren forest. The place is perfect for elephant hunting.

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Yes, I am a hunter. My profession is to hunt elephants and sell their tusks. I do this with great pleasure. Elephant hunting is like an addiction to me. I am not bothered about my work whether it is good or bad, I'm not upset about it. Nothing compares to the joy I get while hunting.

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My friend Jack said today it would be better to go a little deeper into the forest and climb a tree and wait. He has been following a big elephant for the past few days. Today we will hunt that elephant. The elephant comes to the river in groups to drink water in the afternoon. That's the perfect time to hunt.

As the evening came, we took our respective positions and waited silently for our prey. And there it came suddenly, the magnificent beast. It was beautiful. But more importantly, its tusks were white as snow. We took aim and then BOOM!!! The mighty beast fell. We waited in case the herd was nearby. But instead of a few more beasts what came for her was a little elephant baby.

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Image made by Canva

It was her child. Most of my friends didn't care about the little elephant. But deep down, I knew I was guilty for taking a mother from her child. The child who now will find itself lost in this seemingly endless and deadly wilderness no idea if it will survive to see the light of another day.

After a while, the little elephant left hearing our noises. After all of my friends had come down, I started to get down. I was feeling guilty but the joy of the hunt was still in me. I tried to get down fast while trying so, I slipped and suddenly I fell nearly 20 feet from the tree. At first, I thought I died. But after I realized I was alive, pain shot up throughout my entire body. I saw that I was bleeding and my right leg was twisted the other way around. Suddenly, the world turned black…..

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I woke up, I don’t know when, but all I saw was white. Then after my eyes came to focus, I saw my mom and dad sitting next to me my mom sobbing silently while my dad had a blank face and emptiness in his eyes. My mom asked me how I was feeling. I told her I feel better.

My dad came up to me and said that my backbone received enormous damage and had to be operated on critically. And my leg was damaged beyond repair. Thus, they removed it from my body entirely. And I was to spend the rest of my life crippled in a wheelchair knowing that it was the price I had to pay to snatch away the life of an innocent mother and might as well the life of her innocent son.

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Moral of the story:- As you sow so you reap

My selected 5 words are: Old, Cottage, River, Hunter, Elephant

I would like to invite my friends if they have the time they can join this wonderful contest: @enamul17, @ripon0630, @mdkamran99, @ismotara, @mahadiselim, @jannatmou, @max-pro

Thank you all for giving me your valuable time.
From @bangladesh


Awesome sister! Such competition is really interesting. It is a unique way to express your creativity. All the best to you.

 last year 

Thank you dear sis. I am waiting for you story.

This is a great entry. Thanks for sharing

 last year 

Thank you bro for your enthusiastic comment.

It is a pleasure

 last year 

Yes, you do suffer the consequences of your bad conduct. I encourage everyone to do a nice job in order to receive good results.

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 last year 

Thank you for your nice comment.

 last year 

You are a welcome dear friend.

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 last year 

Your story captivated me with its portrayal of a hunter who loved his profession but faced the consequences of his deeds. Your story reminds us that we should look beyond our selfish desires and be mindful of how our actions affect others. You have presented a nice entry. Good luck in the contest! I've also participated. 😊

 last year 

What a nice comment! Thank you both for your wonderful comment. I have read your story. That is a masterpiece.

 last year 

What a touch story, mainly about when you told in that fiction story that you hunt an elephant in the forest then you have an accident

We can took a moral & big messages from your lovely post
Bravo my stunning friend 🥰💝

 last year 

Thank you dear. I’m really glad that you like my story.

 last year 

Alhamdulilah, with my pleasure my dear friend 🥰
I follow this contest, too 😊

 last year 

All the best

 last year 

As you sow so you reap

I often wonder how hunters must feel when they shot a beautiful animal like an elephant, a giraffe, a zebra, and the list goes on.
Don't they feel sad when they see these magnificent creatures just laying there?

Hopefully one they will sow what they reap!

A great story!
Good luck for the contest!

 last year 

Thank you dear for your wonderful comment.

 last year 


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