Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W1 | Laughter is The Best Medicine


Hello Friends!


I so much love this week's contest topic, I couldn't resist it because happiness is free! And the topic is laughter. Can you imagine this contest will teach us the important benefits of inculcating laughter in our daily lives?

My close associates and people around me can attest that I love smiling and laughing, I mean it makes me have a cheerful countenance, feel good, and look younger. No wonder the wise proverbs "a joyful heart is a good Medicine, but a crushed spirit saps one's strength". Laughter indeed is the Best Medicine in the world.


One of the best gifts we can give anyone out there is a Smile 😊 yes just a smile, it has the power to change the mood and atmosphere of the surroundings to a happy one. Laughter makes me feel good and in turn, people around me will also feel the positive vibes.

I've learned to view people from different perspectives, I try to see the good in them and I also try to understand them, and this makes me happy!

Life happens it does not always come the way we want or planned, but a good sense of humor will help us to have a positive view in difficult times. For example, early this year Arm robbers stole My Husband's car, he was robbed just in front of our gate while he waited for the gate to be opened for him, I was sad though, I mean a car that is worth millions of Naira and the economy is hard but I didn't allow that to get into me, I still maintain my positive view of life. As the saying goes "life goes on" what I'm I even saying? Sometimes just laughed out loud when faced with difficulty, it does a world of good! It softens your nerves. What I'm saying is, a good sense of humor lightens our burden and helps us to focus and think of a better solution to our problems.


Are you stressed, pained, or in conflict? All you need is the powerful antidote of laughter, yes it works faster than any other medicine you could ever think of. Laughing bring back your body and mind into balance.

The ability to Laugh frequently is the best way to overcome several problems, so please don't be overly serious.

Besides, laughter supports us both physically and emotionally, it enhances our relationships with others. A good hearty laugh daily relieves us from tension and stress. It helps to relax our muscles and increases our immune cells while decreasing the stress hormones in our body.
Most importantly it fights the infection-fighting antibodies and gives us resistance power against some diseases. Tell me what's preventing you from laughing frequently, please it's free and It'll do you more good and no harm.


moreover, laughing releases endorphins into our body endorphins are pain relievers, so laugh more and reduce pain, thereby enhancing your mode.

Oh la la I love this one laughing lowers blood pressure, it's a simple medicine right? and it has no side effects, it only has a positive effect on our well-being, so let's have our daily dose of laughing to control her blood pressure.


Lastly laughing is a good exercise for our cardio. if you're not very active throughout the day try and laugh many times you will burn calories and remain healthy when you laugh you inhale oxygen and thus stimulates your heart.

What Makes me laugh so much that I had to hold my Stomach or Wipe my tears:

  • Having Fun discussions with my family and friends
  • Doing Some sporty activities with Friends
  • Listening to / watching Funny Jokes video

Thanks for reading this far, I hope you've learned something from my post. I will like my friends @eliany, @gracyakan, and @vickydear to join in this contest.

 2 years ago 

Yes i feel the same as you doing anything with friends is fun. Even if it something that's damn serious

 2 years ago 

You're right 👍 I appreciate your contribution!

 2 years ago 

I invite you to go through my post if you got some spare time



This post has been upvoted through steemcurator06.
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Curated by : @graceleon

 2 years ago 

I appreciate @graceleon 💕

 2 years ago 

I enjoyed reading your post... Nice write up

 2 years ago (edited)

Hello @frankenstein54 I'm glad you enjoyed reading my post, but may I know which part you've enjoyed the most?

 2 years ago 

it's the part where you shared the story how your husband lost his car and how you handled it... Wish everyone will be able to see things this way... Best of Luck Dear

 2 years ago 

Aww thank you so much, yes life do happen but how we reacted to it matters a lot.

 2 years ago 

Laughter is the best medicine .It free us from stress and heals the wounds within our heart at the moment.I think as a human laughter is part of us .At times we need to express ourselves that way

 2 years ago 

Yeah God created us with the ability to Laugh, but some people are so mean, they are laughing occasionally and this affected them negatively. This has to change., We need more laughter it can do a world good!

 2 years ago 

Beautiful you I'm smiling at your beautiful laughter photos, laughter is really contagious. Laughter is in deed a good medicine, thank you for the invites I will drop my post soon on this

 2 years ago 

I appreciate your beautiful commendations dear, I'm expecting your entry!

 2 years ago 

Truly laughing during difficult times helps to lighten up our mood, calm our nerves and make us hopeful for a better tomorrow.

Sorry for the most of your husband's car, God will provide a better one for you both. Thank you for sharing.

 2 years ago 

I really appreciate your warm commendations @temitopef, you know what really pained the most was that the incident happened in front of our gate. But you know we have a whole lot of thousands things to be grateful for, especially life itself! Thanks for the prayer 🙏🤲 yes God has done that for us.

 2 years ago 

Indeed Laughter is the best medicine, it frees us from all our worries and stress. Laughter is part of us and we can't go a day without it. You have a beautiful smile with lovely kids.

Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece with us i wish you all the best.

 2 years ago 

Aww thank you so much dear!

 2 years ago 


laughing releases endorphins into our body endorphins are pain relievers.

The most affordable of them all, as anyone, anywhere can afford it at any time.

Indeed laughter is the best medicine one could've ever asked for as it comes with no negative after-effects, only positives such as mending relationships, reducing stress, decreasing our age counts, and some cases even starting a relationship.

thank you so much for this wonderful piece. Good luck and have a great day.

 2 years ago 

I'm smiling, I appreciate your meaningful contribution to my post @sahmie

 2 years ago 

Your post is very well presented. Your smile is also very beautiful. You will always be happy. We all should always be happy. If you are happy, both body and mind are good. Thank you for sharing such a nice post with us.

 2 years ago 

Oh my goodness I'm blushing! Thank you so much for your beautiful commendations and good wishes. It was my pleasure to share the post and I'm glad you liked it!

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