Write About A Mistake You Made and What You Have Learned

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE4 months ago (edited)

I bring you things from my life that were a before and an after.




How do you see mistakes?

Try to remember the names of your elementary school classmates, or all the names of your childhood friends and the colors of their clothes, and whether it was raining or nice. None of that can be remembered much, but mistakes are unforgettable. It seems like they were made to be a precise database so as not to repeat them. It's amusing because one makes the same mistakes over and over, even though one knows what caused them and the consequences. Errors are somewhat automatic behavior, and it's difficult to control mistakes.

That's why we are not superior beings, as we make a lot of mistakes. If we didn't make mistakes, our quality of life would be 100 percent elevated. But we are far from that. What we miss in exaggerated characteristics, mistakes lower our category, make us fearful, and depreciate our being in general. Oh, errors! If they were counted, what would be left of us if people only filtered us by our faults? But there is hope because human behavior is to forget others' mistakes or not give them much importance depending on the case. That helps maintain moderately stable relationships.


What mistake did you recently make?

A year ago, I had knee surgery, and its improvement comes with many difficulties. The problem is there's no good economy, and the country's inflation has gone crazy, making it impossible for me to receive the necessary medical attention. So, I was left with my own ability to figure out what to do, and when you have no knowledge of medicine, it becomes very challenging. I want to start working, but I see it as difficult since I can't walk straight, run, jump, or exert much force. So, I regret having the surgery because it wasn't such a dramatic issue; it just bothered me. I did it without thinking about having savings, and I also made the terrible mistake of telling my wife to quit her job as a cashier because it was at night, and she returned very late, and we live far away.

We couldn't have faith nights to serve God, and she did it. She left the job, and we were left without medical coverage, and since then, we barely survived. I have been eight months without moving much towards exercise, and nothing improved, and everything remains more or less the same. You don't realize how tremendous bad decisions can be, as not being able to work is a tragedy. I already need to work somehow because the quality of life has collapsed.


Every day, things are more precarious, and I'm already going through the procedures to go back to taxi driving. I don't think driving will be so complicated since there's no need to walk. I hope God takes pity on me and manages to work, which makes me desperate. My dog has a tremendous lump, and I have to operate on her, and it's very expensive for that and many other things. I have to go back to work also thinking, what if my wife and son weren't there to help me? Would they leave me for being a useless burden? That made me think about the importance of being self-reliant and working because life is a box of surprises. If you get sick or something happens, it was so patient with me that it deserves a reward. So, I clean the house every day and fix everything that breaks to at least earn my plate of food and roof. It's nothing that I do, but I don't want to be something that is useless but rather be useful as I always was. Conditions change, and your life can turn upside down.


What do you learn from the error?

Think that you have to be so prudent, think a thousand times before making important decisions, learn from others, ask. I didn't even see a friend who had knee surgery to get a new one, and it's been about five years that both failed, a bacteria infected his knee, and now they're going to put iron to leave it straight, with no mobility. So, it seems that if one studies cases, what I could have done first is ask.

photo of my phone
bicycle camera

One thinks one knows it all, and that pride in simple decisions doesn't bring many problems. But in decisions of life or death, you can be hit by the train of never-never land. That's what I think after being in such dark days and nights. I went through all the feelings, anger, rage, pain, depression. The human character fades away when you have an illness, but I came out of all that and tried to be a beacon for my family and not a light turned off because lamenting and crying have their moment, making you stronger and able to be who you were once.

invito :@blue0 @uoid @jayjay42

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I invite you to visit my blog @goodybest

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 4 months ago 

Hey friend, I just wanted to let you know that your post really touched me. I want to remind you that you are not useless, and what you're going through could happen to anyone. You, your wife, and your son are all wonderful people with kind hearts, and I truly believe that they will stand by you. I'm sending you my prayers for a speedy recovery and for you to feel like yourself again. I can't even begin to imagine what you're experiencing, but please stay strong and keep hope alive! Thank you for sharing with us - your openness is truly appreciated!

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