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RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | Fun - 6 Steem + Announcement Winners!


My wife and I went to Panton Labu to buy ice cream sticks for Fatiya because she wanted ice cream on the stick when she saw her mom making ice cream in the evening.

We went to Panton Labu to buy it, and we found 2 shops that may sell it, so my wife went in, while Fatiya and I were waiting outside. At the opposite shop, my wife did not find sticks but she asked the price of the eggs. Then she went into the opposite shop and asked for the stick, which is one big pack (3 small packs inside) is 5 thousand IDR, but my wife just needed a few pieces so she just wanted to buy 1 small pack and the price was 3 thousand (???), oke then my wife paid the price and ready to go to the first shop and buy the eggs.

The stick seller asked; Why you did not buy the eggs from me?

My Wife: because you offer a higher price to me

The stick seller: You cannot do that, you bought the stick and you MUST buy the eggs from me too. You are ridiculous to consider 3 thousand different.

My Wife: You did not even think one thousand when I asked you to reduce the stick price from 3 thousand to two thousand. it is a basic economic law, the buyer will take a cheaper price with the same quality.

The stick seller: What the )*&T^&%$%W%&

My Wife: Just smile and leave.

I heard the curse and I went in I just said: Go back to elementary school to learn how to calculate before you scold my wife, are you a man?.

And...many people came in to stop the fight that was about to happen, but I said...I am not gonna fight with him but teach him to learn how to behave if he wants to get customers.

he was really pissed off, but everyone scolded him back, then his wife come out and grabbed his ears and dragged him to the back of the shop. We just left the shop and other onlookers laughed out loud.

If you were in my position what would you do @irawandedy @alee75 @aneukpineung78??


Aku selalu meminta pada Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa agar dengan kekuasaanNya, Dia mencegah aku bertemu dengan orang-orang semacam itu (dan sejauh ini doa itu sepertinya dikabulkan, aku takut suatu saat Dia mencoba bercanda denganku).

Aku tidak mengkhawatirkan orang lain yang marah, tapi aku takut kalau aku yang marah.

 2 months ago (edited)

I am Dutch. We look first, everywhere. I have a good memory of it comes to prizes. I am like your wife. No way I buy eggs at his place. Because of his rude behaviour I will never return again even not if the other shop makes me pay ten times more.

I have a prize in mind I am willing to pay. If that's not okay there's no deal and I rather go hempty-handednded.
There's nothing I can't live without.

Why not make your own ice cream stick?

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