The Diary Game || 11 August 2023|| A day not as expected (Friday)



Hello blockchain lovers,

I am very delighted to share my day with you, it is my hope and belief that you will enjoy this particular day.

Waking up this morning, I was ready and carry out my morning routine. As a result, I was able to do the normal morning routine by brushing my teeth and cleaning my room.

I took my bath in the morning and left the house to work. It was my aim that I will get there and as such we will be able to complete the lab work on time in other to help us get to our rest at the weekend.


Brushing my teeth


On my way to work

I log in my detail for reporting to work and went to clean my workbenches and I was ready for work. I noticed that the waste bins were full and so I had to make changes to them and replace them. After replacing them, the samples were brought and we had to start processing them.

Normally when the samples come this way, all that we have to do is to take measurements of each volume and also take 200 ul for DNA extraction and 150 ul for both slide preparation and blood spot making. As such I labeled the tubes for each of them.

For us to be able to continue with the other part of the work which is the PBMC isolation, we were waiting for some items from DHL. We called and we were told the things will be in within a few hours. We had not then to wait for them to bring the things for us to continue.


Changing waste bag


Changing waste bag

We were looking for media which is the RPMI complete media for cell isolation. It was in the items that were supposed to be delivered on Wednesday but there was an excuse that they can't do the delivery. As a result, we run out of those we were using on Thursday.

Upon waiting for several hours, we received a call that they will be in in the next 30 minutes however it took them an hour before they arrived with the goods. We have to receive all the items and cross-check to verify if everything is fine. In the end, we realize that all the items are in.

Therefore, I went to the room with the do n't-t and removed those we will need to work on to do the work. After sending and getting everything ready, it was around 4 PM. It was almost late for us to start the work. However, because they are PBMC cells, we have no option, we just have to continue and finish it.


Working with issues


Working with issues

We started it, just like that. Unfortunately for us, right after we started with the isolation and began to load the samples onto the lymphoprep, they gave light out. As a result, we noticed it was the phase, I called the engineer and it has to take a few hours before we started to work on it.

It took about an hour before the light came on. We then continue with it and unfortunately, the centrifuge also began to misbehave. It was unfortunately, we did not get there and they began to start it. I got to the point where we manage it and it came we continue to use it like that and it took us over an hour to be able to complete the work.


My food.

We work and worked until it was around 11 PM when we finished what we were doing. Right after that, we notice that. I began to drizzle after we were done with everything and it was time for us to go home, it began to run. It was unfortunate that we had to make good use of the time available.

I have to look for an alternative for which we will be going home. I then quickly pack my things and went to the storeroom, I brought out the covid-19 overall gowns and gave them. They wore them and we left the place for the house. We all got home safely around midnight.

 last year 

It sounds like you had quite an eventful day at work with all the challenges and delays you faced. Despite the obstacles, you and your team managed to work diligently and complete your tasks. It's impressive how you adapted to the changing circumstances and found solutions to continue your work. Here's to hoping for smoother days ahead!Best wishes for you

Yes it was indeed an event full day.

Thank you for your kind words.

@tipu curate

;) Holisss...

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Curated by : @wilmer1988

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