The Power Of Showing Gratitude: Fostering Appreciation and Happiness In Daily Life



Hello good day everyone, hope you had a bless day. Today I will be writing about a contest organized by @goodybest it my happiness to be part of the wonderful contest.
What Is gratitude in your own opinion

In my understanding of gratitude is a way of showing grateful, respect to something someone has done to you or something that someone has given to you.

It was a way of appreciation towards things that has been done to you by someone when you way in serious need or not.

Why Does Gratitude Matter?

Gratitude matter a lot in life because it make you look responsible when receiving something from someone.

Showing gratitude create a lot of opportunities in life because when telling somebody thank you when receiving something from them make them feel happy and willing to help next time.

How often do you show Gratitude? (give instances)

In daily life I show my gratitude in every opportunity that comes my way whether small or big.

I can remember when I use to work as a security guard I was totally exhausted and had nothing with me but because of who I was in the company I meet one of the stack holder and tell him my condition as at that moment I was shock to receive a big gift from him I was so overwhelmed and I have to knee down a show him my gratitude that was not enough I still have to call him again a thanks him for the gift, with that manner of gratitude can make him to help next time.


How Can you Make Gratitude a Habit, And how do you inculcate it in young ones?

Making gratitude a habit is something some people way brought up with, they show much appreciation on whatever they get whether it small or big.
I always teach the young one to always say thank you in whatever someone give to them and they should always appreciate and be happy in everything they received that a perfect way of inculcating gratitude to young ones.

I will to invite @bossj23 @jozzie90 @whoknows27 to participate in this contest
Cc. @goodybest


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