Music: A Food For My Soul

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFEyesterday (edited)
Hi friends! How are you today? I hope you are all fine as I am. Thank you @wakeupkitty.pal for organising this contest and I also appreciate Steem For Betterlife for this platform.


Meaning of Music
Music is an expression of one's mind through vocal or instrumentation. I can also say that it is the harmonization of vocal and instrumental sounds that makes meaning or entertain.

The influence of Music
Music has a significant influence on my soul wether it is just vocal, instrumentation or when it is a song accompanied with instrument. I am a chorister and so, I love singing and listening to music. Music influenced my soul in the following areas:

  • Worship: I enjoy worshipping God through music because I get connected and flow easily. Music leads my thoughts and concentration towards God.


  • Entertainment: Music entertains me so greatly, especially when I am busy with house chores. I also enjoy cool music at bedtime. I often play music to enable me to sleep off.


  • Music calms my soul when I am angry: Any time I get offset or offended, I play good music to make me feel better.



  • Reading: This may be abnormal to many people but for me, a particular type of music called "Blues" helps me to assimilate easily when I am reading or studying. Therefore, I play music when reading or studying specifically when I am alone.


This is my presentation in this contest. Thank you for reading. I remain your friend @caringmanasseh.

I invite these friends to participate:



I want a better life! Do you? If so, what does music do for your soul?

The sentence above is not a question meant to be answered but more a remark of mine. I would love to see entries that show what music means, written from the soul, without the Q&A posts. Without makes your post so much better.

I know how I always studied in the middle of the night with music loud today I live in silence which is already loud enough. I think it helped me back then and wasn't disturbing which it would be today if I read or write (most likely because if will be focused on the music or lyrics).
I asked my child why she studies playing music and she said it's to shut out other noises. I never thought that could be a reason too. It makes sense although I believe music with a certain rhythm makes me thing, read, and write with the cadence

Thank you for your entry.


Ok. Thanks a lot sir

The same here, back then I used to turn up the volume to my favorite music to the max. But it's been some times that I just don't do that anymore.

I think, I'm old.

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