Steemit Engagement Challenge Season2 Week4 | Teaching Students how to Write professional media standard press releases |


I asked students what they know about press releases.

In every implementation of real-work lectures, students are required to report their activities in the mass media. Reporting is one of the outputs that is a measure of the success of programs and activities carried out by students. In addition, news coverage in the media, especially cyber media, leaves a digital footprint on student activities.

For this purpose, students are required to write press releases to be sent to journalists. Last year, I and the Head of Public Relations of Malikussaleh University, @teukukemalfasya, provided training to students online because they were still in the Covid-19 pandemic.

However, in 2022, I gave hands-on training at the ACC Hall of Universitas Malikussaleh, Uteunkot Campus, Lhokseumawe, some time ago. This training was attended by 302 participants, which were divided into 184 women and 118 men. They come from the Faculty of Engineering 122 people, FKIP 167 people, Faculty of Economics and Business 5 people, Faculty of Medicine 3 people, Faculty of Law 1 person, FISIP 3 people, and Faculty of Agriculture 1 person.

I have often given this kind of training to students. Even though since late 2021 I have been a press expert at the Indonesian Press Council, I have never asked for honorariums since I became a speaker or resource person for students. I consider being a mentor or presenter without honorarium as part of worship and alms. After all, on another occasion, there were other institutions that gave high honors, for example up to IDR 5 for a session, such as when providing training to journalists in Aceh who were supported by an oil and gas company.

Even without payment—according to the theme of Acts of Kindness—I still prepared the material seriously. I read a lot of references and adapt the material according to the constituents. With students, I brought material that was more direct, light, and lots of jokes, moreover, I got the opportunity at 14.00 which is a critical hour. If it's not interesting, students might fall asleep.

I start by explaining what a press release is and why it needs to be created. Press releases are written or recorded materials that have news value from certain parties to be published in the mass media. Then I explained several types of mass media and what documents were needed to assist journalists in broadcasting student press releases.

News is said to be valuable if it is related to the interests of various sides of human life. Touches psychological aspects, security/safety, interpersonal relationships, recognition, & self-actualization (remember Maslow's Theory).

News provides one or four advantages to the reader:
1). practical benefits;
2). intellectual benefits;
3). emotional benefits; and
4). spiritual benefits.

I also explain why per-situ broadcasts are important:

  1. Announce news that is very important and urgently known to the public.
  2. Explain the program and or policy.
  3. Updating the latest information or data.
  4. Clarifying hoaxes or inaccurate information.
  5. Make it easier for the media to fully understand the themes discussed.
  6. Helping journalists understand the context of the program so that they do not write/ misquote.
  7. Many formal activities/events are of interest to journalists and the media. But they didn't get the information they needed and the news turned negative.

In addition, it is also important for students to know why a press release becomes less attractive to journalists. The press release then could not be published in the mass media:

  1. Choosing an angle that is not right, has less news value.
  2. The title is less attractive, usually to highlight the organization, internal sources, or ceremonial activities.
  3. Too many acronyms are known only to the release authors or internal organizations.
  4. Write sources without predicates; What is the speaker's position?
  5. Cliche information such as “saying thank you”, “prayer reading by…”, “ending with a group photo”, and the like!
  6. Timing is not right: The mass media is full of more valuable news.
  7. The incident has been a few days, just released.
  8. Release look like advertising.

For student press releases in real work lectures (KKN), students must pay attention to the following:

  1. Do not send the same release to one or two people in the campus internal media because it will waste the editor's time to edit the same news.
  2. Must be observant to see an interesting angle.
  3. Must mention sources, both from students, supervisors, village heads, and or residents.
  4. The name and origin of the study program of group members must be stated in detail and accurately. Don't use nicknames in press releases.
  5. Students must state the full name of the field supervisor and make comments from the lecturer. Many students forget this in press releases.
  6. Students must submit a minimum of two or more photos in order to be selected. Photos must be of professional mass media standards, both angle and sharpness. The photos are taken in a landscape position, not a portrait.
  7. Students are not allowed to combine photos with press releases in the form of words because it makes photo editing difficult. Release text and photos are sent separately, specifically for photos in jpeg format for easy editing with photoshop.
    These are some of the materials that I convey to students. However, it is not fully followed because there are still those who send the same release to several people in the same mass media. In addition, students are less creative in giving news titles, so many news titles are relatively the same even though they are from different groups.[]

Para peserta belum sepenuhnya masuk. Mahasiswi saya lihat lebih disiplin waktu daripada mahasiswa.

Berdialog dengan mahasiswa di Aula ACC Uteunkot Universitas Malikussaleh, Lhokseumawe.

Mengajar Mahasiswa Bagaimana Menulis Siaran Pers Standar Media Profesional: Steemit Engagement Challenge Season2 Week4

Di setiap pelaksanaan kuliah kerja nyata, mahasiswa diwajibkan memberitakan kegiatan mereka di media massa. Pemberitaan merupakan salah satu output yang menjadi ukuran keberhasilan program dan kegiatan yang dilakukan mahasiswa. Selain itu, pemberitaan di media, terutama media siber, meninggalkan jejak digital tentang kegiatan mahasiswa.

Untuk tujuan itu, mahasiswa diharuskan menulis siaran pers untuk dikirimkan kepada wartawan. Tahun lalu, saya bersama Kepala Kehumasan Universitas Malikussaleh, @teukukemalfasya, memberikan pelatihan kepada mahasiswa secara daring karena masih dalam pandemi Covid-19.

Namun tahun 2022 ini, saya memberikan pelatihan secara langsung di Aula ACC Universitas Malikussaleh Kampus Uteunkot, Lhokseumawe, beberapa waktu lalu. Pelatihan ini diikuti 302 peserta yang terbagi 184 perempuan dan 118 laki-laki. Mereka berasal dari Fakultas Teknik 122 orang, FKIP 167 orang, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis 5 orang, Fakultas Kedokteran 3 orang, Fakultas Hukum 1 orang, FISIP ada 3 orang, dan Fakultas Pertanian 1 orang.

Saya sudah sering memberikan pelatihan serupa ini kepada mahasiswa. meski sejak akhir 2021 lalu saya menjadi ahli pers Dewan Pers Indonesia, saya tidak pernah menanyakan honor ketika menjadi pemateri atau narasumber bagi mahasiswa. Saya menganggap menjadi mentor atau pemateri tanpa honor merupakan bagian dari ibadah dan sedekah. Toh, di lain kesempatan ada lembaga lain yang memberikan honor dengan nilai tinggi, misalnya sampai Rp5 juga untuk satu sesi, seperti ketika memberikan pelatihan kepada wartawan di Aceh yang dukung oleh sebuah perusahaan migas.

Meski tanpa bayaran—sesuai tema Acts of Kindness—saya tetap mempersiapkan materi dengan serius. Saya membaca banyak referensi dan menyesuaikan materi sesuai dengan konstituen. Dengan mahasiswa, saya membawa materi lebih lugas, ringan, dan banyak lelucon, apalagi saya mendapatkan kesempatan pukul 14.00 yang merupakan jam kritis. Kalau tidak menarik, bisa-bisa mahasiswa mengantuk.

Saya memulai dengan menjelaskan apa itu siaran pers dan mengapa perlu dibuat. Siaran pers adalah bahan tulisan atau rekaman yang memiliki nilai berita dari pihak tertentu untuk dipublikasi di media massa. Kemudian saya menjelaskan beberapa jenis media massa dan dokumen apa saja yang dibutukan untuk membantu wartawan dalam menyiarkan siaran pers mahasiswa.

Sebuah berita dikatakan bernilai, apabila terkait dengan kepentingan berbagai sisi kehidupan manusia. Menyentuh aspek psikologikal, keamanan/keselamatan, hubungan antarpersonal, pengakuan, & aktualisasi diri (ingat Teori Maslow).

Berita memberikan salah satu atau 4 keuntungan kepada pembaca:
1). practical benefit;
2). intellectual benefit;
3). emotional benefit; dan
4). spritual benefit.

Saya juga menjelaskan mengapa siaran pers itu penting:

  1. Mengumumkan berita yang sangat penting dan mendesak diketahui publik.
  2. Menjelaskan program dan atau kebijakan.
  3. Memperbarui informasi atau data terbaru.
  4. Mengklarifikasi hoax atau informasi yang kurang tepat.
  5. Memudahkan media memahami secara utuh tentang tema yang dibahas.
  6. Membantu wartawan memahami konteks program sehingga tidak salah tulis/salah kutip.
  7. Banyak kegiatan/acara yang formal yang menarik bagi wartawan dan media. Tapi mereka tidak mendapat informasi yang mereka butuhkan lalu beritanya malah jadi negatif.

Selain itu, penting juga bagi mahasiswa mengetahui mengapa sebuah siaran pers menjadi kurang menarik bagi jurnalis. Siaran pers tersebut kemudian tidak bisa dipublikasi di media massa:

  1. Memilih angle yang kurang tepat, kurang memiliki nilai berita.
  2. Judul kurang menarik, biasanya terlalu menonjolkan organisasi, narasumber internal, atau kegiatan seremonial.
  3. Terlalu banyak akronim yang hanya diketahui penulis rilis atau organisasi internal.
  4. Menulis narasumber tanpa predikat; Apa posisi narasumber?
  5. Informasi klise seperti “mengucapkan terima kasih”, “pembacaan doa oleh…”, “diakhiri dengan foto bersama”, dan sejenisnya!
  6. Timing kurang tepat: Media massa sedang penuh dengan berita lebih bernilai.
  7. Kejadian sudah beberapa hari, baru merilis.
  8. Rilis berbau iklan.

Untuk siaran pers mahasiswa dalam kegiatan kuliah kerja nyata (KKN), mahasiswa harus memerhatikan beberapa hal di bawah ini:

  1. Tidak mengirimkan rilis yang sama kepada satu atau dua orang di media internal kampus sebab akan membuang waktu editor untuk mengedit berita sama.
  2. Harus jeli melihat angle yang menarik.
  3. Harus menyebutkan narasumber, baik dari mahasiswa, dosen pembimbing, kepala desa, dan atau warga.
  4. Nama dan asal program studi anggota kelompok harus disebutkan dengan detail dan akurat. Jangan menggunakan nama panggilan dalam siaran pers.
  5. Mahasiswa harus menyebutkan nama lengkap dosen pembimbing lapangan serta membuat komentar dari dosen. Banyak mahasiswa melupakan ini dalam siaran pers.
  6. Mahasiswa harus mengirim minimal dua foto atau lebih agar bisa dipilih. Foto harus standar media massa profesional, baik angle maupun ketajamannya. Foto-foto diambil dalam posisi lanskap, bukan portrait.
  7. Mahasiswa tidak boleh menggabungkan foto dengan siaran pers dalam bentuk words karena menyulitkan editing foto. Teks rilis dan foto dikirim terpisah, khusus untuk foto dalam bentuk jpeg agar mudah diedit dengan photoshop.
    Demikian beberapa materi yang saya sampaikan kepada mahasiswa. Namun, tidak sepenuhnya diikuti karena masih ada yang mengirim rilis sama kepada beberapa orang di media massa yang sama. Selain itu, mahasiswa kurang kreatif dalam memberikan judul berita, sehingga banyak judul berita yang relatif sama meski dari kelompok berbeda.[]

Persiapan pelatihan tentang penulisan siaran pers.

 2 years ago 

Wow what a massive crowd you pulled up, if I understand you well you provided this conference for free in other to pass good information about the need to read students how to write professional media standard press release, if I am correct you have rendered an act if kindness to 118 men and 167 women which is an incredible way of helping people
May God continue to strengthen you to enlighten more masses about the need of professional media

 2 years ago (edited)

The participants are students who will do real work lectures in several remote villages in Aceh Utara, Indonesia. I was asked to provide material on how they write a proper release to a high standard.

Supposedly, there is a hands-on practice writing releases, but I was only given 1.5 hours and it wasn't practical enough. But at least they have got the correct writing technique.

Thank you for your response @olabillions.

 2 years ago 

Good, oh the time wasn't enough for your presentation so sorry about that, but the effort was really what counts and 1.5 hours is enough to time for a student to grab the basics of the occupation

Good luck

 2 years ago 

If students really follow the instructions contained in the training materials, they will have no difficulty in writing press releases.

However, it still takes flying hours to be able to find news angles that have a high magnitude. I think this applies to professional journalists as well.

 2 years ago 

The participants were very busy from students with professional resource persons such as @ayijufridar, of course the participants would be quick to be smart in writing papers like real journalists. Sharing knowledge without paying or free, the knowledge that participants receive will remind them of their great teacher.
Greetings from me @waterjoe :)

 2 years ago 

There are times when we get paid for the training we provide, but other times we don't. I have often shared journalistic knowledge with students because it makes us more aware of journalism when we share it often.

Thank you very much @waterjoe.

 2 years ago 

The knowledge you rae passing on to the children is really valuable and it's not something that most people will give out for free. I am happy with the work you do and I pray for blessing upon you.

Good luck in the contest friend

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your support and prayers. I think that my little knowledge of journalism will have a wide impact if I share it often. when teaching, in principle I am learning. CU @wase1234.

 2 years ago (edited)

That's great friend


This is a special act of kindness from you. Training of students is a difficult task. But thank God you are carrying it out peacefully. But, have you ever ask or inquire from your students how they feel, if they will prefer online training to in-person training? What of those students absent? Did they connect virtually?

 2 years ago 

For two years, lectures and training activities have been held online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. However, since 2022, along with the sloping Covid-19 curve, various educational activities have resumed offline. Almost all students prefer offline to online.

Thanks a lot @marajah.

Ohh, that's interesting. From your explanation, I have seen that students love offline to online courses or training. Meanwhile, the covid19 pandemic turned the world upsidedown. Thank God for showing us mercy.

 2 years ago 

Un buen trabajo con los estudiantes, el no cobrar por sus conferencias, es un acto de contribución hacia el mejoramiento profesional de ellos, invertir tiempo y recursos propios en ello es loable.


Banner Saludos y hasta pronto.jpg

 2 years ago 

Thanks so much for your support @fjjrg.

 2 years ago 

Hello @ayijufridar, teaching is a privilege, but it is even better to teach in communities where this is well appreciated, I am glad to see how you have brought education and literacy to a group of people who will benefit from this, they will be able to improve their quality of life.

Thank you for this beautiful work.

 2 years ago 

I'm glad you commented here @tocho2. It makes me more excited to share, even with limited knowledge of journalism. I will be very happy when I see students can succeed beyond the teacher. Some of my former students have now become journalists in mainstream mass media in Indonesia.

 2 years ago 

The success of life is in the fact that something can be done for other people without interest. You're teaching a lot of students but you don't want to take honors or you don't take honors, I like that very much. It feels really good to be able to do something for people in this way.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your attention @kawsar. Sometimes, there times when I get paid in kind when providing journalistic training to students. When we don't get paid in the form of money, I believe God will give us other forms of payment, may be increased knowledge or increased network or can produce professional journalists in the future.

 2 years ago 

This is a very useful post. Everyone should read this post carefully.

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