Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W2| "Easy Come, Easy Go"steemCreated with Sketch.



Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well and enjoying life with the blessings of Allah Almighty. I am happy to take part in the exciting challenge hosted by STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE community' Contest Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W2| "Easy Come, Easy Go" So, without any further delay, let's dive right in!


"Easy come, easy go" is a proverb that implies that anything that is achieve quickly or easily can also be lost quickly or easily. This proverb holds true nature for many aspects of life, including money, relationships, & even health. In our fast-paced world, people often seek instant gratification & quick solutions of problems , but they may fail to recognize the long-term consequences of their actions and their deeds . In the context of life, the proverb serves as a reminder to value the things that we have & work hard to achieve our goals.

It encourages us to be more mindful in our decisions & to avoid making impulsive choices and decisions that may lead to more regrete later on. By focusing on the process rather than the results and outcome, we can cultivate a sense of appreciation for the journey of life & the experiences that shape us.


"Easy come, easy go" is a phrase that means things that come to us quickly or easily can also leave us just as comes quickly. We might meet new friends easily in life , but they can also leave our lives easily if we do not put in the effort to maintain the friendship.

It is most important to value the things that we have in our lives & work hard to keep them. This means being mindful of our actions & decisions, and thinking about the long-term consequences. We should also appreciate the journey of life, & focus on the experiences that shape us, rather than just the end result. By doing so, we can cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude & fulfillment in our lives.


We can also apply the idea (Easy come , easy go) to our lives by not taking things for granted, especially the things that we did not work hard for. Instead, we should celebrate & find joy in the things that we worked hard for and achieved.

By putting effort into our goals, we develop a sense of pride & accomplishment that can't be taken away easily. We learn to appreciate the process & enjoy the journey of life, rather than just the end result. This mindset and thinking can lead to a more fulfilling & satisfying life, where we value the things that mater most to us.


Just like how friends can come & go easily in our lives, the same can happen with love. When we fall in love easily with somebody , it might not last as long as we want it to. That's why it's important to take our time in building a meaningful relationship & with someone we love, rather than just falling for someone quickly.

When we work hard to build a good relationship with someone, it becomes more meaningful & fulfilling. We learn to appreciate the other person's qualities & respect their boundaries, which can lead to a stronger bond. It's important to remember that love is a journey ahead not just a destination. So, we should take our time & enjoy the process, rather than rushing into things that might not last.


Goodbye, friends. It's been a pleasure getting to know you all and participating in this community. I will miss interacting with all of you, but it's time for me to move on. Take care and I hope to see you all again very soon , Best of Luck .

Your gorgeous friend Hamad khan

As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten

 last year 

Do you use a translation service?

 last year 

certainly ,as english is not primary or even secondary language , in pakistan there is multiple language and nationalities so little bit i take advantage of google translator for publications , is there is any issues with content you can discuss it with me openly .

 last year 

Hii - @artist1111

Very nice post presented on easy come, easy go engagement contest. I think all of us have some needs in our lives that we get emotional about. But later I realized that. But you're right it's important to take our time with the ones we love. Best of luck to you anyway, thanks.

Best Regards From - @max-pro.

 last year 

Thank you dear for kind feedback , best of luck and success for you .

 last year 


You are right brother and explain the proverb very well anything which is gain without any effort I hard work is lost easily either it's money has business or anything else and it doesn't because we don't have made any effort for this inspite of this life is something different from this have to made a lot of efforts to find anything in life and definitely we have worth of this thing more.

Best of luck

 last year 

Thank you dear for kind feedback , best of luck and success for you .

 last year 

Welcome deae brother

 last year 

Hi, I enjoyed reading your post. You complement the images nicely with your content. Congratulations on your beautiful writing.

 last year 

Thank you dear for kind feedback , best of luck and success for you .

 last year 

Esta frase puede ser aplicada en cualquier aspecto de nuestra vida, y es que es una realidad que lo que llega con cierta facilidad es muy probable que sea algo temporal, esto es con el dinero, bienes o incluso personas, así que siempre debemos esforzarnos por obtener todo y que puedan ser duraderas en nuestra vida.

 last year 

Kesuksesan tidak semudah membalik telapak tangan dibutuhkan perjuangan dan pengorbanan suatu yang kita dapatkan dengan mudah biasanya akan berakhir dengan cepat sesuatu yang mudah datang juga akan mudah pergi dan tidak berkah, hidup ini harus penuh dengan perjuangan dan pengorbanan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dan bertahan lama

salam hormat dari saya

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