"Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W5: "Seeing is believing" versus "Knowing is believing"



Write your understanding of the two short expressions above.


The two short expressions "Seeing is believing" and "Knowing is believing" mean a lot of things that are both spiritual and physical. However, in the physical world, seeing comes before believing, whereas in the spiritual world, believing comes before seeing, just as it is written in the Bible. Believing is what makes us see things without fear.

To this, my understanding is that seeing is believing, which means it is what we have seen that we can believe in and not what we haven't seen. A lot of people like arguments, and until they have seen what someone is telling them, they cannot believe it. On the other hand, "knowing is believing" means that what you know very well, you can believe in. Believing gives us hope for what we haven't seen before.

Give an example of "Seeing is Believing" vs. "Knowing is Believing", For example, it could be based on personal experience or written within the framework of science, philosophy, religion, and art.

An example of seeing is believing is clearly written in the Bible (John 20:27, 29). In the Bible verse, our Lord Jesus Christ taught us that seeing is believing at the time Thomas started doubting his death and resurrection. Thomas insisted that he take his eyes off the resurrected Jesus Christ before he could believe that he had truly been raised from the dead.

“Except I see in his hands the prints of the nails, I will not believe.” While granting Thomas’s desire to see, Jesus chided him to “be not faithless, but believing,” and pronounced a blessing on those who believe before they see: “Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:27, 29). Source

As for knowing is believing, an example of one of my friends who always believed that he was handsome, whereas he isn't, is that we will try to back him up.

What is the moral message that can be taken from this expression?

The moral lesson is that as Christians or Muslims, we should believe in God even when no one has ever seen him face-to-face. By believing that yes, God exists, we simply mean we can see God one day after our demise. If you believe you can also achieve all this and much more, consider the moral lesson taken from this expression.

@simonnwigwe, @josepha, and @cephasmbah I am inviting you all.

 last year 

Hi, @anthony002
Saya rasa bahwa anda telah menjelaskannya dengan sangat formal dan bagus, dan kami percaya akan penyampaian yang anda berikan disini terkait dua ungkapan kata tersebut.
Semoga keberuntungan untuk anda dikompetisi ini.

 last year 

Nice post bro, i can imagine well structured by your post. It's such a great post. Good luck my friend

 last year 

Your article is very nice and it is addresses in the holy bible. I really enjoyed reading your article. Best of luck. 👍

 last year 

Hola si la frase que nunca se olvida desde los principios de la venida del hijo de dios jesus de nasarhet , ver para creer y el mostró para que sintieran y creyeran

 last year 


Cierto en ambas frase hay contenido en el cuál podríamos denotar Fe, religión, y ciencia física.

Hay quienes deciden Creer con solo ver, y quienes por el contrario deciden dejarse llevar solo por el conocimiento. Por ello se perfeccionan y estudian sobre todos los aspectos que les interesa.

Has realizados un gran análisis del tema.
Te deseo mucha suerte y éxitos.

 last year 

Hola. Al parecer el mejor ejemplo para ilustrar esta frase ha sido el de Tomás el incrédulo que ha trascendido la barrera del tiempo y ha permitido acuñar esta frase de ver para creer.
Suerte en el concurso.

 last year 

You have explained it in a very religious way, it seems that you are a very religious person, it is very important to know what teachings were given by Christ, interest in religious work is also important.
Thanks for showing your thoughts, and thanks @steembetterlife for giving such a beautiful topic.

 last year 

Your example is based on a religious view.I like it. best of luck

 last year 

Si lo ves del lado espiritual puedes creer en todo amigo antonio002 pero para saber se debe haber estudiado un hecho o un acontecimiento de forma mas cientifica. Lo de tu amigo es que tiene el autoestima muy alto y eso es dificil de desaparecer jejejejejeje , que bueno que siempre fueron sus amigos . Saludos y suerte.

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