Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W2: I love myself to the moon and back by @amryksr | #burnsteem25

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 years ago (edited)
Everyone must doubt what he is doing, whether he is doubting at work or doubting the times. I think this doubt is a common thing that happens in human life and there is no human who does not doubt himself in the future.

Steemit Engagement Challenge S3-W2  I love Myself to the Moon and Back.png

At this time I'm trying to take part in the Challenge held by @steembetterlife or it can be seen here Steemit Engagement Challenge Season3 Week #2 | Steemit Engagement Challenge Season3 Week2 | I Love Myself to The Moon and Back.

What are the doubts you have (can be personal or related to Steemit)

Everyone who wants to do work, must ask themselves, whether what I will do is beneficial for myself and for others or not. Likewise, when faced with work, am I able to complete the work I am carrying out, or am I failing to complete the work.


Doubt occurs because we are not confident in what we will do and are afraid to accept failure. But what you have to remember when you are afraid of failure, remember the experiences that have happened to avoid doubts. From self-doubt we can evaluate ourselves.


That's my doubt about Steemit. Where at that time @irawandedy and @harferri invited me to join Steemit in early 2017 I did not immediately respond and did not immediately register a Steemit account. Because at that time I had doubts about Steemit, whether it really pays for our hard work and when the rewards that we have collected cannot be disbursed.

What can you do to overcome these doubts

Even though doubt is unavoidable, we should not create self-doubt. Because when doubt has taken over, what we will do is all wrong. With doubt makes a valuable opportunity lost.

To dispel doubts the right way to do it is to not keep thinking and not complaining. It means that we should not think too much about what else we haven't done. Because if you keep thinking about doubts, it will hinder or be afraid to move.


It's the same when on Steemit, before I registered I looked for information and I didn't find any bad information. I threw away my doubts and decided to sign up for steemit in early February 2017. I thought at that time, there's nothing wrong with trying, if steemit really pays for my hard work then this is the right time. And if steemit is just a fake site, then I will stop.


In fact, after I have been active for 5 years and 5 months, steemit is very useful for me personally. From the results of the rewards in steemit I can use it for daily needs. In fact, at the beginning of 2018 I cashed out my reward in steemit and bought a motorbike.

What makes you love yourself

Before loving others, we should love ourselves. If we don't love ourselves, how can we love others? But most people find it easier to love others than to love themselves.

Loving yourself is the same as meeting your own needs and not sacrificing yourself for the sake of others. The way to love yourself is to be honest with yourself and not lie to yourself. Especially forgiving yourself when you do bad things.


Another way to love yourself is to take care of your physical and spiritual health. To love the physical by consuming healthy food and when at night do not stay up late. We should never be stingy for ourselves, meaning we are stingy in meeting the needs of the body, afraid to buy something useful for the body.

What must you do to prioritize your happiness and well-being

The first thing is to prioritize happiness and prosperity by being grateful for the blessings that God has given. Either gratitude for the blessings that have been given or gratitude for the happiness we have today.


As I already have a family and have 2 children, I prioritize their happiness and I by inviting them to visit tourist attractions and buy their needs.

Don't get hung up on the work we do, but take time for ourselves and our family, because when we are with our family, happiness will come by itself. For me family is everything and that's where my goodness is stored.


For those who are not married, your happiness is not perfect. It is impossible until we are old to live alone, there is not enough abundant wealth. Because when death picks up the treasures that we get during life, we can't take it with us to death.

Here I invite other friends to participate in this Challenge, because the theme is very interesting. Please participate @ayijufridar, @zainalbakri, @afrizalbinalka, @moer, @husaini, @waterjoe, @tucsond, @yanis01, @liasteem and others.


About me @amryksr


 2 years ago 

if we love each other, we can love our neighbor, I agree with you, happiness is provided by the family.

success in contest, greetings and blessings.

 2 years ago 

Happiness lies in our own family. Never show concern for them. Let the time with our family show happiness

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo, ya tienes bastante tiempo en steemit y que bueno que la duda no se apoderó de ti y decidiste ingresar.

Concuerdo con tu manera de pensar sobre como priorizar la felicidad.

Te deseo éxitos en el concurso,



 2 years ago 

Hay que saber priorizar la felicidad, no te dejes llevar por el trabajo sin pensar en la felicidad tuya y de tu familia.

 2 years ago 

Keraguan hanya mematahkan energi yang ada, seharusnya yang perlu dilakukan hanya terus fokus pada tujuan akhir melalui kerja keras.

 2 years ago 

Benar pak @irawandedy, keraguan menghancurkan segalanya. Baik itu kegiatan yang kita rencanakan atau kegiatan yang sedang kita lakukan.

Saya sadar selama ini saya terlena dengan keraguan yang semestinya tidak saya pikirkan dan itu merusak segalanya.

 2 years ago 

@amryksr, I agree with you about your association with your family and whatever you do on this site. As far I am concerned I am here for little over 2 month so I am still a student of this niche.

 2 years ago 

I'm only 5 years old. Don't be too complacent with what we do, without paying attention to family.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for your prospective in this regards personal experiences are pure lessons for othere

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your warm comments, I am happy with your rating of my post.

 2 years ago 

Muy buena reflexión amigo, me contenta que tengas muchos años dentro de la plataforma, y si estoy de acuerdo contigo sino nos mamamos nosotros no podemos amar a los demás, Feliz día

 2 years ago 

Me di cuenta de que Steemit trajo un gran cambio para mí. Antes de que hubiera reglas sobre las campañas que requerían potenciadores, solía cobrar mis recompensas casi siempre. Y la recompensa es muy útil para las necesidades diarias.

 2 years ago 

Its true we have doubts, ibam very pleased to read that you prioritize your happiness with family this is one of the best moment of one's life

 2 years ago 

When we are sad, do not show it to the family. It's better if you are with your family, show them your happiness.

 2 years ago 

For those who are not married, your happiness is not perfect. It is impossible until we are old to live alone, there is not enough abundant wealth. Because when death picks up the treasures that we get during life, we can't take it with us to death.

I agree with you...
Sungguh sangat mendalam, namun saya selalu teringat seseorang jika membaca bait kalimat ini, semoga kita semua bisa bahagia dan dapat mencintai diri kita sendiri,
Semoga sukses untuk kontesnya brother...

 2 years ago 

Akhir kalimat tersebut saya tujukan dan khususkan kepada teman saya. Memang saya tidak mention beliau, semoga saja beliau membacanya.

 2 years ago 

Saya harap juga begitu....
Semoga saja beliau itu cepat menyadari nya...

 2 years ago 

Namun agak susah dengan beliau.
Mungkin masih berpikir beliau masih berumur 20 thn kebawah.

 2 years ago 

Padahal beliau yang merakan itu pun ingin segera, namun takdir berkata lain.

 2 years ago 

That's true if we can't love others if you can't love yourself. What I think is being a good person starts with within. If you are really sincere to yourself then you can take yourself out of the misery.

 2 years ago 

Apart from loving ourselves, we must love our families. Give comfort to the family, so that they are happy.

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