My charity with 1 Steem | feeding hungry and donating to charity foundations | by @aminasafdar | 50% payout goes to @worldsmile | #club5050



hope you are doing well. Today I'm going to share my views on doing charity with just one steem. But before jumping into that you must know that charity actually is.




Charity is the act of giving something out of kindness totally on your own will, to help others in need without expecting something in return. Charity is not obligatory but should be done to attain the peace of heart and the happiness by bringing the smile on the faces of other people. By the way smiling to others is a sadaqah(charity) too in Islam, how soothing that is right? Charity is done to make yourself high in status infront of Almighty, but it removes the misery from you before it reaches you, it nourishes love among the people of the society. So start by giving charity in your own home by helping your family in need and smiling more often to them
So lets jump into the steem price in my country pakistan.

One Steem price in Pakistan

Today the price of one steem in pakistan is 59rupees which is pretty low. So you must be thinking what charity can i do with only this much money. It won't make any difference in the lives of others. Totally waste of act, what other would think if i donate only 1steem, so embarrassing . But hold on I'll share one quote of our beloved prophet (PBUH) in which he said:

Protect yourself from the hellfire even by giving half of the date in charity.
Al-Bukhari Sharif

3 Ways to do charity by one steem in Pakistan

1.Feeding the hungry

Feeding the hungry is the best among the act you can do with less money. When hunger strike you so bad then do you think about eating fancy? Or do you just want to satisfy your stomach not your tongue for the pleasure of food? So when someone is hungry you can bring them roti or naan (bread) with any daal or chane (pulses or grams ).

PriceBread(roti)Pulse or Gram(chane)
Rupees8 to10-1520

So it total costs 30 rupees so you can feed one hungry person with two naan(bread) along with chane. This is the least you can do. Suppose you are doing it daily and feeding one hungry person, that is just marvellous.

The best of you are those who feed others
Musnad Ahmed 23408



2.Donating to charity foundations

Donating one steem to the foundations, that can become huge because foundations receive money from person other than you also. And imagine they are doing it for purposes like constructing home shelters, hospitals, feeding poors on massive scales, educational purposes for those who can't afford. So this one steem of you would be count in that act of charity no matter how small. It just has to be consistent.

Charity foundationsIn pakistan
1Edhi foundation
2Shokat khanum foundation
3Al-khidmat foundation

3.Donating to charity foundations on steemit

Yes on steemit you can ease the lives of others by donating one steem easily. For that i know one account that is doing it is @pak-charity in the @steemit-pak. Alhamdulillah i have donated there not the giant mass but still it's better to contribute not matter how small. And that is not for showoff but to encourage others to be on the side of the people who do the righteous deeds for others.


That's all. Hope you'll like my stance.
I'm inviting my friends @sabanaqsh @abdullhahsafdar and @chabdullah085 Till next time good bye:)


Amina Safdar





Sorry 🙏🙏

 3 years ago 

This is a tempting one @harris-alfaris... Send me a link

Sorry, my account was taken over by a hacker earlier and he sent phishing links to several posts. Currently I have successfully retrieved my account. Thanks!

 3 years ago 

Terima kasih atas partisipasinya, semoga sukses

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