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Hello sTeeMiaNs


Welcome to see you again on Wednesday, follow the Health protocol, stay safe and don't forget to give alms.... .!!!

Friend steemians wherever you are, this time I want to share a topic related to food as an ingredient to fulfill animal protein needs, namely meat.

To carry out its physiological functions, the human body requires protein intake from animals and plants at a certain level. Therefore we are expected to be able to consume healthy, safe and nutritious meat so that our body cells carry out their functions properly.

Meat can be defined as parts of the animal's body after slaughter which are common and fit for human consumption in the form of muscles, offal and skin which technically can be interpreted as muscles attached to bones. In general, meat can be distinguished into red meat, which is meat produced from beef, buffalo, goat and white meat, which is meat produced from poultry, fish.



Meat contains essential amino acids which are amino acids that are needed by the body and are not produced by the body, which are very much needed, especially for the first 1000 days of a human's life. Meat is also a good medium for the growth of germs so that the meat is easily rotten or can carry disease germs that can be transmitted to consumers.

To get optimal benefits we must get fresh meat, not rotten meat in the sense of meat that has the same or similar composition of substances to meat after slaughter or has not changed much. Meat can be stored in cold temperatures (temperature < 4 0C). To store meat, it is very important to pay attention to the storage temperature because it will affect the quality of the meat (color, texture, shelf life), where cold temperatures will inhibit the growth of microorganisms and the activity of meat enzymes (autolysis).

There are several tips in buying meat in order to get fresh and optimally useful meat, including:
  1. Buy meat at a kiosk or official shop and a regular seller.
  2. Choose meat that is brightly colored, fresh, not dark, blackish, moist and odorless.
  3. If packaged, choose packaging that is intact, clean and labeled.
  4. Buy meat stored in the refrigerator or freezer.
  5. Buy meat at the end of shopping before paying at the cashier and taking it straight to the house.
  6. We recommend that you put the meat in a thermobag or insulated-bag filled with ice cubes in plastic.

when you get home, the meat is cooked immediately or if you want it cooked within 2 days, store the meat in a clean closed container and store it in the refrigerator. If you want the meat to be frozen, cut it into pieces as needed (250 grams, 500 grams) and put each piece in a separate container and store in the freezer. Fresh meat, offal and processed meat products must be packaged/wrapped separately and properly.

In their daily life, Acehnese people consume meat, especially on certain occasions such as meugang (puploadan), weddings and other traditional events. The people of Aceh prefer to consume Aceh beef which is superior local cattle that has received national recognition, namely by the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 2907/Kpts/OT.140/6/2011, where the aceh cattle family has strategic value, origin, the original geographical distribution of each, has characteristics, unique genetic information and is cultivated by breeders in Aceh from generation to generation.



This is not an exaggeration because aceh cattle have several advantages, where aceh cattle have the following characteristics:
  1. Various colors, dominantly brick red and light brown, a combination pattern of Zebu (dark on the neck) and a bull pattern.
  2. Has nerve properties (used for fighting cows, grazing in the forest).
  3. Humped as a drag/worker animal.
  4. Aceh beef has fine fiber, the color of the meat is fresh and can last longer, the taste of the meat is slightly sweet and the fat taste is very distinctive and only slightly shrinks when cooked.
  5. Average body weight of Aceh cattle and smaller body sizes than Bali, Madura, PO cattle.

The protein, ash, and water content of Aceh beef is not much different from beef in general where the fat content of Aceh beef is lower so it is not suitable for roasting/burning and very suitable for cooking with boiling (water/gravy). Aceh beef is relatively tougher than Brahman Cross beef so it is suitable for boiling and has a lower water holding capacity and cooking loss so it doesn't matter if it is cooked with gravy.

The habit of cooking Indonesian cuisine by boiling long which is usually at least 45 minutes and using a pressure cooker will not have a problem with tenderness. Aceh beef is also very compatible with Indonesian dishes such as rendang and stews that use meat that contains a lot of connective tissue. Meat that contains a lot of connective tissue will taste like a gel if the meat is boiled long enough, this is because the meat's connective tissue, which generally consists of collagen, will contract at 60 C and turn into gelatin at 71 C.



So for Indonesian cuisine and especially Aceh, the most suitable meat is Aceh beef where most Indonesian dishes are served in stew or soup dishes, while the quality of the meat is also quite competitive with other types of beef such as Brahman Cross and even wagyu beef which has become an icon of Japan. Currently, Indonesian dishes such as rendang are worldwide and have been produced abroad such as in the Netherlands and others and can be exported directly from Indonesia. So the meat that is very suitable, one of which is Aceh beef which has a distinctive texture and slightly sweet taste and this opens up opportunities for farmers and entrepreneurs in the livestock and culinary fields to move forward together by utilizing local potential in this case Aceh cattle to improve the economy of the people in Indonesia as well as meeting the needs of animal protein for the community.



That's what I'm sharing today, I hope you like it and thank you for stopping by my post.





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