Solarsteem:The Science Behind Solar Energy

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In the last year, the world has been shocked by how much our addiction to digital devices is destroying the planet. Climate change is real, and we’re one of the leading causes. But this isn’t news. The world has known about climate change since as far back as 1988 when it was first brought to light in an article published by a scientist named Dr. James Hansen in New Scientist. Over the past 27 years, there have been numerous initiatives and movements dedicated to preserving natural resources and preventing further environmental degradation. The recent “Green New Deal” announcement by congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Ed Markey was just another step toward solving this crisis.
In a time of so many earth-friendly movements, why is cryptocurrency still completely unsustainable? In case you missed it, there’s been some bad press lately regarding crypto mining being an unsustainable use of energy. The reason for that is because an incredible amount of electricity goes into mining cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether to find new blocks and create new coins – something that can be especially costly if you’re living somewhere with cheap or free electricity.

 2 years ago 

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