A wonderfull flower @afrojalucky

Hello friends,
Assalamualaikum to every one. Hope ,by the grace of allah all of you are well.In this community this is my 1st post. Hope all of you are like my post. The topic of this post is a special flower.
Quotes of famous philosophers about flowers
"Flowers" which is symbols of beauty. It isn't easy to find a person who does not like flowers. Fascinated by the beauty of flowers, many poets, writers, and lyricists have created many timeless songs, poems and compositions. The beauty of flowers softens the heart of a hard person. None of the countries, not ours, in which grand arrangements are created without flowers. All the queens and princesses of the world had flowers in the first line of decoration. They used to decorate themselves with flowers. Famous people have given various quotes in admiration of the beauty of flowers.
Gerard de Narval said, "Every flower is a blossoming soul in nature". Nadal France said, "Flowers teach a man beauty". "flowers are like friends. They spread colour to the world," says Ralph. I am "Afroja Kanon Lucky" today; I am here to tell you about a wonderful flower. Many of you are familiar with, and many of you are not familiar with this flower. This wonderful flower is called "Mariam".
Introduction to Mariam Flower
Mariam flower grows in desert regions. In the vast desert regions of the Middle East and the Sahara, dry trees cling to the ground year after year. Its scientific name is "Anastatica hierochuntica". In the unbearable heat of the desert, this dry tree gradually turns into a lifeless stone. Sometimes, it is a bit of rain, and then it is back in the air and reproduces. This flower blooms every 12 years.
flower 1.PNG
What does the Maryam flower look like?
Maryam flower is called a resurrection plant because of its characteristics. This flower looks dry and dead, but if it is soaked in water for some time, the petals of the flower start to bloom. And in no time blooms fresh and full like a blooming flower.
Trees of Mariam flower
Blooming flower
Beliefs about Mariam's flowers
Mariam flowers are widely believed to be commonly used during labour, and traditional midwives have used them for centuries to ease labour pain in mothers. It is said that when a mother has labour pains, if the flower is soaked in a container, the flower will bloom slowly, the mother's labour pain will ease, the uterus will open, and the baby will be delivered in a short time. Generally, beliefs are seen in the Muslim community; many people of the Muslim religion go to Hajj and collect flowers. However, There was no information of significance in the Holy Qur'an about this.
Benefits of Maryam Flower:
The flowers of this plant are rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc and iron. Specifically, calcium and magnesium together regulate muscle contraction. So there is no obstacle to benefit from this flower for treatment as a medicinal plant.
Finally we can say that whatever the flower may be or where it grows, let the flower by its incomparable beauty bring the touch of spring to nature and bring purity and love to human life. I am concluding my post with the hope that every human life is as pure as a flower.
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wow wonderful!by this post i came to know abour a lot of information about marium tree.Thank you so much for sharing.


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