Steemit Engagement Challenge S5-W1: Laughter is The Best Medicine


Greetings Everyone!
It's another season and week of steemit engagement challenge and I am well pleased to participate in this community's contest titled; Laughter is the Best Medicine.

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Yes, laughter is the best medicine because what more can medicine do than to make you feel good?. So therefore, laughter is refer to a feeling of good chemicals produced by the body in order to make us feel happy, relieve from unnecessary stress, pains and frustration. Since our existence, laughter has always been the best pills to our healthy lifestyle.


There are some reasons which is why laughter is considered to be the best medicine; let's get to find out;

  • It gets blood pressure to balance
  • It reduces physical symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression
  • It triggers healthy emotional and physical changes in our body
  • Laughter is considered the best medicine because it brings individuals together.
  • It makes one to easily deal with difficult situation
  • Laughter is a natural pain killer
  • It improves mood
  • Life itself is already hectic, with laughter everything will go smoothly without any atom of fear to deal with worldly challenges.
  • Laughter keeps the heart healthy
  • Laughter gives strength to our immune system (this is because of the good giggles we get when we laugh and it make our antibodies rise and fight diseases)
  • Laughter helps in building good personal relation with people in terms of making us more sociable with them
  • It brings peace to the soul
  • Laughter makes the happy hormones in our system to be released
  • It promotes sense of humor
  • It helps in breathing better
  • Laughter increased the rate of positivity
What Made me Laugh so Much that I Had to Hold my Stomach/ Wipe my Tears

There are just three things that made me laugh so hard;

😂 Funny skits (like comedy) and movies makes me laugh so hard. I usually following up comedians on their social media pages for funny clips. Tee-kuro is a Nigerian comedian and I love his comedy so much that I can laugh my eyes out with short of breath. He is a very funny guy who always share contents that are realated to reality.

Screenshot_20221011-212015_1.pngA screenshot from tee-kuro's Instagram pageScreenshot_20221011-153242_1.png Tee-kuro always display different characters and I love his character as junior because it usually make me to laugh out loud

Apart from tee-kuro, I do come across other funny clips that are entertaining and funny too.

😂 I read alot of funny memes online and I always laugh out my lungs in an uncontrollable manner.


😂 Another thing that cracks me up is when am with my friends chilling and mimicking people, their words and actions. We crack some funny jokes together too and it is always interesting when we all meet up.

people-5827280_640.jpgLaughing with friends hits different (Source)

Indeed, Laughter is the best medicine because it has a lot positive impact on the health.

Dear friends (@wase1234, @eliany @madilyn02), please do well to join the challenge. Thank you!


Your article has been supported by @ubongudofot from Team 2 of the community curator program. We encourage you to keep producing quality content on Steem to enjoy more support from us and a likely spot in our weekly top 7.


 2 years ago 

Thank you.

 2 years ago 

Laughter really has a lot of health benefits. Funny skits are one of my major sources of laughter as well

 2 years ago 

The benefits can not just be over emphasized. Thank you for visiting my blog.

 2 years ago 

Laughter is actually a medicine to our body.thanks for explaining this topic.

 2 years ago 

Indeed, it is.
Thank you so much for reading.

 2 years ago 

Hahaha! Watching funny kits and funny movies makes me laugh too. Sometimes I just like to go through the Whatsapp status of those on my WhatsApp looking for funny posts or videos

 2 years ago 

Exactly what I do to brighten up my mood.😊
Thank you for your meaningful comment.

 2 years ago 

You are welcome

 2 years ago 

You're right @adylinah the best medicine we can have daily is a dose of laughter! And it's contagious, it will be better we spread happiness, I mean just a smile 😊. I wish you success in this contest!

 2 years ago 

Absolutely yes. Thank you for your meaningful comment.

 2 years ago 

Wow... Wonderful write up... Best of luck Dear

 2 years ago 

Thank you

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