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RE: After DEATH , what happens to our SOULS ??

Slow down there. You first need to prove something like a soul exists, before you can ask where it's going to.

I disregard every subsequent vituperations until we are done with this !

In every court of law , the ACCUSSER is saddled with the responsibility of proving his allegations against the accused.

Now will you prove that "SOULS DON'T EXIST "??🤣🤣

Caveat:: I learnt empirically that no manhas been able to access 10% of his natural brain endowment because of self imposed limitations. We often do this by not asking appropriate question while we think within a BOX forged by tradition and vain philosophies !


The zombie made the claim that souls exist, so the onus rest on him to prove it. Not on me to disprove what he didn't prove. 😁

Also, the god of the sun is real. As evidence I present to you a flaming ball hanging in the air, every day, and it's alive because it's moving.

Now prove to me that Ra doesn't exist. 😉

See, I can apply religious logic too. 🤣

No!! The arch Zombie , in his Ignorance accused another viz "Souls don't Exist "

The Onus of Proof of allegations lies with the accuser , not the accused .

Are you the ACCUSSER ? Let him prove his ACCUSSATION beyond doubt , not pandering to semantics!

The SUN, a god because you can see it , by sight ?? 🤣🤣

So, to the retina BLIND , your Sun God doesn't Exist 😙😙

Your five senses are grossly limited contrary to my believe as an Atheist fifteen years ago !

There is EVERYTHING beyond the sensual!

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