After DEATH , what happens to our SOULS ??

Image Source : Pexels com: Free Stock:Daisy Anderson

What is your definition of "SOULS"??

Do you believe SOULS exist ??

Where does the Soul go after Death ??


Slow down there. You first need to prove something like a soul exists, before you can ask where it's going to.

Or else you can just as well ask where Bigfoot goes to when it's full moon.

And spoiler alert, anyone saying most souls go to Hell, no they don't. Because... Why would Satan do God's dirty work by punishing 'sinners'? Does Satan has a business contract with his arch enemy God?

Pure simple logic says that if souls, Satan and God exists, that Satan would offer each new arrival a glass of champagne, before training them as soldiers in his war against God. And face it, those people will be so pissed-off with God rejecting them, that they'll make for splendid soldiers.

Also, what if Satan refuses sinners entry into Hell, what's God going to do then? 🤣 Who's the boss of Hell, who has the authority? If it's God, then Satan is a mere employee. If it's Satan, there's no way he's going to do as a scumbag that committed the most atrocities in the Bible wants.

The hole in the Bible story plot is big enough for a zoo full of talking donkeys and flying horses.

The hole in the Bible story plot is big enough for a zoo full of talking donkeys and flying horses.

Some of these donkeys and flying horses have found their way to Steemit!

Thanks for this super hilarious comment, @remil.

Hey @juderita!

Similarly I laughed my toddler to scorn when he claimed "Atoms and Sub atomic particle don't EXIST because he can't visualise them"🤣🤣🤣

The important point is to tell your child that we can prove atoms exist, and radio waves, and microwaves, and gravity, and so on. But that your kid should never ever believe claims that are not backed up by evidence. Basically, to follow the atheistic approach: Only believe what is proven, for all the rest, keep on hunting for real evidence instead of fabricating answers like religiots do.

At that level he does not have the CAPACITY to so understand. No teaching methodology can achieve it .

So , he need to develop his mental capacity ,by growth , willingly !!

Most of us are akin to stubborn children who REFUSED , by volition to apply themselves to knowledge that liberates ! They are therefore stucked , hamstringed , cocoooned by pride and Ignorance!

Similarly I laughed my toddler to scorn when he claimed "Atoms and Sub atomic particle don't EXIST because he can't visualize them

@whyaskwhy, you are making comparisons that are inappropriate.

When @remil said,

You first need to prove something like a soul exists, before you can ask where it's going to

he is merely saying you need to prove souls exist before asking the question you posted. He is not making any definitive statement on the existence or non-existence of souls.

When there is no proof of something (say, souls), you can at best say possibly souls exist. If there is some evidence but not enough, you can say souls probably exist. But in both cases you cannot act as if souls definitely exist.

If scientist can prove the existence of souls the way they figured out and proved the existence of atoms and sub-atomic particles, only then can we say souls exist. (See How Did We Figure Out Atoms Exist?

Until then, answering @remil statement

You first need to prove something like a soul exists, before you can ask where it's going to


he claimed "Atoms and Sub atomic particle don't EXIST because he can't visualize them',

is dishonest argument.

My very Esteemed @juderita. Please note:

he is merely saying you need to prove souls exist before asking the question you posted. He is not making any definitive statement on the existence or non-existence of souls

You may not note it but he was alluding to non existence of anything beyond physical cognition as typical of ALL Atheists . Do you even know he is a self confessed atheist ??

I think ,he confessed same in the thread . You may schroll through.

I am typicaly open to every shade of opinions and believes . But whoever opposes mine MUST prove beyond sentiments. This account for me asking him to prove otherwise , being the ACCUSER.

Hear him here :

Pure simple logic says that if souls, Satan and God exists, that Satan would offer each new arrival a glass of champagne, before training them as soldiers in his war against God. And face it, those people will be so pissed-off with God rejecting them, that they'll make for splendid soldiers.

His intro indicates Souls ,God , Satan etc does NOT EXIST by his logic .

It is his responsibility therefore to prove his allegations against me .

Could you please help him🤣🤣

Good morning!!

Hi @whyaskwhy,

You may not note it but he was alluding to non existence of anything beyond physical cognition as typical of ALL Atheists . Do you even know he is a self confessed atheist ??

He is not "alluding to non existence of anything beyond physical cognition." I cannot see anything in his writing to come to this conclusion. Could you please explain why you came to this conclusion, so that I can see your perspective?

Yes, I know he is an atheist. Although I am not an atheist I have no problem with anyone being an atheist or whatever they want to be PROVIDED they keep their beliefs or convictions to themselves and don't try to shove it down my throat through religious or non-religious rhetoric. Everyone and every living creature has a place in this grand scheme of things.

Could you please help him🤣🤣

I don't think he needs any help. If he (as an atheist) needs help then definitely you will need more help than him. As an atheist he came to his conclusions based on rational thinking using scientific reasoning. However, you are basing your conclusions based on a single book (with many contradictions within the same book, many versions and interpretations and no single consensus among the many denominations) purportedly from God, without any scientific reasoning.

Religious people faced with contradictory views go through cognitive dissonance, which many of them struggle to handle and cope with.

Here is a video which may be of interest to the readers of this thread who are struggling to cope with their cognitive dissonance, including you. If you are not suffering cognitive dissonance, that too is perfectly ok and you don't have to watch this video.

The Painful Collapse of Beliefs: Tips & Tricks for Coping

Hi @juderita. You are already helping him , may be as his appointed attorney.

I am busy now . I will surely respond to you as soon as possible!

Stay Blessed !

Best of the day to You as always !!!

Absolutely hilarious. Love it. 😊

Slow down there. You first need to prove something like a soul exists, before you can ask where it's going to.

I disregard every subsequent vituperations until we are done with this !

In every court of law , the ACCUSSER is saddled with the responsibility of proving his allegations against the accused.

Now will you prove that "SOULS DON'T EXIST "??🤣🤣

Caveat:: I learnt empirically that no manhas been able to access 10% of his natural brain endowment because of self imposed limitations. We often do this by not asking appropriate question while we think within a BOX forged by tradition and vain philosophies !

The zombie made the claim that souls exist, so the onus rest on him to prove it. Not on me to disprove what he didn't prove. 😁

Also, the god of the sun is real. As evidence I present to you a flaming ball hanging in the air, every day, and it's alive because it's moving.

Now prove to me that Ra doesn't exist. 😉

See, I can apply religious logic too. 🤣

No!! The arch Zombie , in his Ignorance accused another viz "Souls don't Exist "

The Onus of Proof of allegations lies with the accuser , not the accused .

Are you the ACCUSSER ? Let him prove his ACCUSSATION beyond doubt , not pandering to semantics!

The SUN, a god because you can see it , by sight ?? 🤣🤣

So, to the retina BLIND , your Sun God doesn't Exist 😙😙

Your five senses are grossly limited contrary to my believe as an Atheist fifteen years ago !

There is EVERYTHING beyond the sensual!

This submission is a perversion of Biblical scriptural claims .

Scriptures never avered that Satan Created Hell !

This is a mere proclamation of limited men , not God !

Unfortunately, such abound everywhere, including steemitville!!

Your point is halfway moot. It's not about who created Hell, it's about:

  1. Who is sending sinners there (answer: God)
  2. Who is the ruler of Hell, and
  3. Are people being punished in Hell.

These three points all have very clear answers - or rather, claims - in the Bible, and pure plain logic proves it's bullshit.

it's about:
Who is sending sinners there (answer: God)
Who is the ruler of Hell, and
Are people being punished in Hell.

Again our NAIVETY has compromised our Understanding about these issues because you can't study the Bible like the litrary Shakespeare's literary Works!

1)God didn't create Hell , man did by his Choice , for himself!

2)God does not send people, his created to Hell. He offered them the LIBERTY of Choice , between their created hell and their equally created Heaven.
Every man is the creator of his Heaven or Hell, by his CHOICE !!
3)Who is the Ruller of Hell ?? God is , not Satan . If Satan , he would have freed himself from Hell .

Please cleanse your psychology of JUNKS , imbibed by traditions and antisocial engineering, by miscreants to see beyond the cocooned mindset!

There are realities beyond your sensual cognition!!

Much LOVE💓💓👍🏾

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